No 3 (2024)

Cover Page

Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of AlN–TiC powder composition using sodium azide and C2F4 fluoroplastic

Belova G.S., Titova Y.V., Maidan D.A., Yakubova A.F.


Producing powder compositions using conventional processing technology can lead to the formation of large agglomerates and, therefore, makes it difficult to obtain a uniform microstructure. The production of composites by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis can reduce costs and the number of technological stages, as well as lead to obtaining composites that are more homogeneous. Synthesis by the combustion of mixtures of powder reagents of sodium azide (NaN3), fluoroplastic (C2F4), aluminum and titanium with different ratios of reagents in a nitrogen gas atmosphere at a pressure of 4 MPa was used for the production of a highly dispersed powder ceramic AlN–TiC composition. Thermodynamic calculations have confirmed the possibility of synthesis of AlN–TiC compositions of different formulations in combustion mode. The dependences of temperature and combustion rate on the composition of the initial mixtures of reagents were experimentally determined for all stoichiometric reaction equations. The study have shown that the experimentally found dependences of combustion parameters on the ratio of the initial components correspond to the theoretical results of thermodynamic calculations. The formulation of the synthesized composition differs from the theoretical composition by a lower content of target phases and the formation of Al2O3, Na3AlF6 and TiO2 side phases. The powder composition consists of aluminum nitride fibers with a diameter of 100–250 nm and ultradisperse particles of predominantly equiaxed and lamellar shapes with a particle size of 200–600 nm. As the combustion temperature increases to produce the largest amount of titanium carbide phase, the particle size increases to the micron level.

Frontier Materials & Technologies. 2024;(3):9-16
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Corrosion-mechanical destruction of bainite structures in oilfield environments

Vyboishchik M.A., Gruzkov I.V.


The main direction in solving the problem of increasing the reliability of field equipment, is the creation of new steels with higher resistance to corrosion-mechanical destruction. Currently, to produce oil and gas pipeline systems, low-carbon, low-alloy steels are used, in which lath carbide-free bainite is formed when quenched in water. Such a structure provides a combination of high strength and resistance to brittle fracture. However, issues of increasing corrosion resistance are still open. The purpose of this work is to identify the structural condition of low-carbon, low-alloy, pipe steels, providing a combination of high mechanical properties with increased corrosion resistance in oilfield environments. The studies were carried out on the latest generation 08KhFA, 08KhFMA and 05KhGB steels, most popular when manufacturing oil and gas pipelines. Samples for the study were cut from the pipes and quenched from the austenite region in water, which formed the structure of lath carbide-free bainite. The quenched samples were tempered at temperatures of 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, and 700 °C. To identify the relationship between the morphology of bainite structures and their properties, the samples after quenching and tempering at each temperature, were subjected to metallographic analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis, mechanical tests, and corrosion resistance tests. The work shows the sequence of structure transformation, temperature ranges of phase and structural transformations, changes in mechanical properties, and corrosion resistance that occur during tempering of lath carbide-free low-carbon bainite. It is shown that tempering of lath carbide-free bainite (08KhFA, 08KhMFA and 05KhGB steels) does not affect the rate of carbon dioxide corrosion. It has been found that medium tempering forms the structural condition of carbide-free low-carbon lath bainite providing a combination of high mechanical properties and high corrosion resistance in oil field environments. For each of the steels under study, the authors give recommended heat treatment modes.

Frontier Materials & Technologies. 2024;(3):17-29
pages 17-29 views

The influence of phosphorus microalloying on the structure formation of CuZn32Mn3Al2FeNi multicomponent brass

Gnusina A.M., Svyatkin A.V.


Phosphorus in brass can have both a positive effect, such as improving mechanical properties, increasing corrosion resistance and machinability, and a negative effect, such as adversely affecting weldability and causing cracking. The study of the role of phosphorus in the processes of brass structure formation is of practical relevance, since it helps optimise the properties of the material, reduce the risk of defects, improve treatment processes and control properties and quality. The work covers the study of the role of phosphorus in brass, the need to control its content during production by limiting the share of secondary use. The study revealed the possibility of a positive effect of modifying copper alloys with phosphorus in order to improve performance properties, as well as the prospects of using phosphorus as a safe replacement for lead in brass. The authors assessed the content and distribution of phosphorus impurity at a concentration of 0.005 % in a brass sample of the CuZn32Mn3Al2FeNi grade, studied the nature of its interaction with other components of the alloy and the changes occurring at different temperatures of heat treatment. It has been found that phosphorus actively participates in diffusion processes and forms phosphides in both defective and defect-free blanks. When heated to the hot deformation temperature range, phosphorus redistribution occurs, phosphide locally dissolves, and metastable inclusions form. Due to differences in the concentration of elements in areas adjacent to the phosphide, the brass structure changes leading to the formation of areas different from the matrix β-phase. Manganese phosphide in brass can improve its mechanical properties and cutting ability, but an excess of this compound can lead to problems with strength, crack resistance, and moulding.

Frontier Materials & Technologies. 2024;(3):31-40
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The influence of grain size on hydrogen embrittlement of a multicomponent (FeCrNiMnCo)99N1 alloy

Gurtova D.Y., Panchenko M.Y., Melnikov E.V., Astapov D.O., Astafurova E.G.


The problem of hydrogen embrittlement remains relevant in many areas, so the FeCrNiMnCo alloy (Cantor alloy) generates increased interest among researchers as one of the materials least exposed to the negative effect of hydrogen. Nevertheless, the issue of the influence of microstructure parameters on hydrogen embrittlement of the Cantor alloy and multicomponent alloys of the FeCrNiMnCo system in general remains understudied. This work studies the influence of grain size on the susceptibility of a nitrogen-doped high-entropy Cantor alloy to hydrogen embrittlement. For this purpose, states with different grain sizes (43±21, 120±57, and 221±97 μm) were formed in the (FeCrNiMnCo)99N1 alloy, using thermomechanical treatments. It is experimentally found that grain refinement leads to an increase in the strength properties of the alloy under study and promotes an increase in the resistance to the hydrogen embrittlement: in samples with the smallest grain size, the hydrogen-induced decrease in ductility is less than in samples with the largest one. A decrease in grain size causes as well a decrease in the length of the brittle zone detected on the fracture surfaces of samples after tension. This is caused by a decrease in hydrogen diffusion during the hydrogen-charging process and a decrease in the transport of hydrogen atoms with mobile dislocations during plastic deformation due to a decrease in grain size.

Frontier Materials & Technologies. 2024;(3):41-51
pages 41-51 views

Accuracy of the geometric shape of the hole in the longitudinal section during honing

Denisenko A.F., Grishin R.G., Antipova E.D.


The wide application of honing as a finishing treatment of internal cylindrical surfaces for cylinder-piston systems, used in some structures, is caused by high accuracy measured in tenths of a micrometer, and high productivity of the process. The most important indicator of reliable operation of cylinder-piston systems are high requirements for the geometric accuracy of holes. Due to the lack of sufficient theoretical justification for the selection of honing parameters ensuring the accuracy of the geometric shape of the hole in the longitudinal section, the authors proposed a model for the formation of errors in the geometric shape of the hole. The model is built on the kinematic characteristics of the process including the ratio of the honing stone dimensions, the length of the hole, the stroke of the honing head, the ratio of the speeds of translational and rotational movements, and the force action in the processing zone, which changed due to the presence of an overrun of the honing stone. To obtain analytical dependencies ensuring the minimisation of form deviations, the conditions for stock removal for the points of the machined surface were considered, the value of which was taken proportional to the path of movement, and the pressure value. For this purpose, graphs of the distribution functions of displacements and pressure changes were constructed depending on the coordinate of the point location on the generating line of the hole being machined. Using the obtained analytical dependencies, the potential occurrence of a shape error in the form of a saddle shape was found, the dominant factor influencing the value of which is the value of the honing stone overrun. At the same time, it was identified that the ratio of the speeds of translational and rotational movements has an insignificant effect on the violation of the form in the longitudinal section.

Frontier Materials & Technologies. 2024;(3):53-62
pages 53-62 views

The influence of 3D printing mode on the chemical composition and structure of 30HGSA steel

Kabaldin Y.G., Anosov M.S., Mordovina Y.S., Chernigin M.A.


The authors carried out the study of the influence of 3D printing modes on the structure and chemical composition of 30HGSA steel (chromansil) samples produced by the method of additive electric arc surfacing. To study the influence of the electric arc surfacing mode on the chemical composition of the steel under study, an optical emission analysis of the samples was carried out. The influence of the surfacing mode on the resulting structure was assessed over the entire height of the deposited walls at magnifications of ×50, ×100, ×200 and ×500. Optical emission analysis identified a change in the material chemical composition associated with the loss of chemical elements. It was found that the degree of loss of C, Cr and Si increases almost linearly and is directly proportional to the surfacing heat input (Q, J/mm). The exact influence of an increase in the surfacing heat input on the Mn content was not found, but a relationship between the degree of its loss and the voltage (U, V) during surfacing of samples was identified. Microstructural studies of all samples did not reveal a large number of systemically formed structural defects characteristic of cast and welded products (pores, shrinkage cavities, etc.), which confirms the high quality of the metal in goods produced by electric arc surfacing. Analysis of micrographs taken in different areas of the samples allowed determining that the metal microstructure does not undergo significant changes under different surfacing modes; the main tendencies in changes in the structure along the height of the sample are preserved. All samples demonstrated the formation of a highly dispersed structure, regardless of the 3D printing parameters. The most favorable metal structure, suitable for subsequent use in the production of goods using additive manufacturing, was recognized as the structure of the sample deposited using mode No. 5 (I=160 A, U=24 V, Q=921.6 J/mm). This mode can be used for further study of the problems of additive electric arc surfacing of 30HGSA steel. 

Frontier Materials & Technologies. 2024;(3):63-73
pages 63-73 views

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