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Author Guidelines
Manuscript Preparation
Manuscript Requirements
The length of a manuscript formatted according to the journal requirement should be a minimum of 6 pages of the author’s text (without tables, figures, Abstract, Keywords, and References).
Each original scientific article should be structured as following:
Reporting Standards
The manuscript is a complete report of research. The effective way of organizing a manuscript is describing the problem to explaining what you did to solving the problem based on evidence.
The Conclusions section should provide clear statements featuring the contribution of the research to the scientific record.
The submitted manuscript cannot be part of a thesis or dissertation as the research results of the thesis should be published before the thesis is defended.
Style Requirements
The manuscript should be written in plain and good English so readers can understand it. Authors should use generally accepted terms and avoid scientific jargon or slang.
The texts of the manuscripts are not edited by the journal. The journal offers copy-editing of accepted manuscripts to ensure that the text is free of lexical, grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
Ethic Statement for Authors
Before the submission please read Editorial Policies, The COPE guidelines and standards, Ethic Statement for Authors, and Author Guidelines.
All authors are accountable for the content of the manuscript.
The data of manuscript has to be original and never submitted or published before in other journals.
The author must guarantee:
- presentation of work results in an honest way;
- giving due acknowledgement to all contributors;
- presence of references for all sources;
- absence of self-plagiarism by papers published before;
- presentation of corresponding authors as all persons who contributed significantly to the research and paper compilation;
- revelation of potential conflicts of interest (such as presented information about obtained grants and other funding sources);
- fast line with editor for expeditious correction or paper rejection, if some kind of failure or misconduct was discovered.
The following is unacceptable:
- fabrication and/or falsification of scientific results;
- misrepresentation of the published material authorship (failure to indicate all persons participated in the research topic consideration, and/or indication of persons who did not participate in the work);
- plagiarism of data, ideas, and paper fragments;
- self-plagiarism (the representation of previously published materials);
- intentional or deliberate negligence when submitting the research technique;
- wrong citation – sense distortion of a quoted text, failure to indicate a reference to a cited source, etc.;
- combination collusions to raise the citation rate artificially.
Before sending a paper, authors should check the compliance of their material with all the following clauses. The materials can be returned to authors in the case the materials do not meet these requirements.
Manuscript Formatting Guidelines
General Publication Requirements
The Editorial Board accepts only original works. The standard is 6–12 pages in length, excluding the title, keywords, the abstract, references, figures, tables, and formatting according to the requirements.
Manuscripts should be uploaded as Microsoft Word for Windows (Word document).
All margins – 2 cm, paragraph indentions – 0.5 cm. Font – Times New Roman in size – 14 with 1.5 line spacing.
When typing avoid the following:
- using macros in manuscripts files;
- text alignment using space bar (including non-breaking space);
- paragraphing using tab keys or space bar;
- inserting section breaks;
- figures appearing in tables with unmarked borders;
- using abbreviations and contractions without spelling them out at first mention.
Required Structural Elements of the Manuscript
- The title of the scientific manuscript (The recommended length is no more than 13 words. It should reflect its content and the major problem as accurately as possible, be short but precise).
- Copyright sign and year.
- Information about the authors: first and last name, academic degree, academic status, occupation; company, city, country; ORCID; contact (corporate) e-mail of the corresponding author.
Providing his/her e-mail in the article the author agrees to provide an open access to the article.
Example Petr (first name) I. Sidorov (last name), Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), professor, Professor of Chair “Nanotechnologies” Togliatti State University, Togliatti (Russia) E-mail: |
- Abstract (200–250 words) should contain the brief summary of the concept of the article (read Abstract Guidelines).
- Keywords. The main criterion the author should bear in mind when choosing key words is their potential value to summarize the content of the document or to help the readers to find the document. The key words may contain terms, phrases, abbreviations, numerical data, chronological data, proper names, symbols. The preferable length of the phrase is 2–3 words. Set expressions, set terms, technical terms serving as key words should not be changed as their changing leads to the loss of the term meaning. The article should contain 5–9 key words, they should be separated by semicolon.
- Acknowledgements. Acknowledgements to individuals, granting organizations, grants numbers, etc. The granting organizations names should be written out.
- The text of the manuscript should be structured in accordance with the rules (read Article Structure).
- REFERENCES (at least 20 sources) conformed to the formatting requirements (read References and Citations Formatting).
Abstract Guidelines
The abstract is one paragraph of 200–250 words. It is not permitted to divide the abstract into sections and use headings.
The abstract should be structured in the following way:
- a brief (not more than 40–60 words) justification of the relevance of the work;
- a brief (not more than 30–50 words) description of the matter the article touches upon (if it is not clear from the title);
- a brief description of the main actions taken in the work and given in the annotated article to obtain definite results (for instance, the model of … is proposed; the dependence of У from Х is examined; the dependence of У from Х is obtained; … was tested, etc.);
- a brief summary of main results or conclusions. Herewith the abstract should not contain copied results or their literal repetition and conclusions, which should be given in the separate section of the article.
When writing the abstract, the author should bear in mind that:
- The abstract is written to submit the article to abstract journals and databases;
- The abstract is read prior to the article and the conclusion about the need to address the article is made on the basis of the abstract.
If the aim, methods, results and conclusions are presented in the article word-for-word, an interesting article might miss the readers as there will be no need in reading it. However, if the article does not present the main results and/or conclusions, the author can also miss the readers, as the scientific novelty and the value of the article will not be clear.
In other words, the main aim of the abstract is to preview the article and make the potential reader interested, to boost the reader to read the article itself.
Article Structure
The structure of the article should conform to the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) standard, applied by Science World Community. Each original scientific article should be structured as following:
Title Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusions References | ![]() |
An introduction should reflect why and what for the research is conducted, what knowledge gap it fills in, to what extent the problem is discussed in literature, what the theoretical background, the hypothesis and the aim of the article are. As the result, the introduction should contain a brief works analysis, justification of the relevance and formulated aim of the article.
The section provides a comprehensive information about the research and test methods used by the authors. References to published standards are allowed. If the methodology is proprietary and has never been published anywhere before, it should be described in details. If the methodology has been published before, it should be described annotativly with the references to the prior publications. It is needed for the reproducibility of test and research results and also for the accuracy confirmation. Otherwise, the article is of little scientific value.
The section can be additionally structured and contain subheadings.
It is described what was obtained during the study: visible results, their analysis, generalization, etc. No hypotheses about the causes of the experimental factor influence on the visible results, possible reactions, physical assessments or explanatory phenomenological models should be in the description of the results obtained – they are given in the DISCUSSION section.
The purpose of the given section is to present the answer to hypothesis, to compare the given research with other researches, to describe the contribution to scholarship. The obtained results and their correspondence with the findings of prior studies are analyzed in details. The section also interprets the results and describes why they are obtained.
The section reflects the contribution to scholarship. Conclusions should logically follow from the results obtained during the work. Conclusions might be unconfirmed and complex.
Tables and Figures Formatting
The table should have a clear structure. Each value should be placed in a separate line (table cell). No contractions should be used in column titles. The information in the table should be presented without the use of scanning, colored background, bold borders. Tables text font – 12 pt. The article should not end with a figure or table. Tables should not fall outside the page layout. The use of landscape pages is not allowed.
The titles of the tables are required (Table 1. The title of the table). All tables should have continuous numbering. Each table should be referenced in the article.
The figures should be included in the text of the manuscript and be submitted separately as original files (tif, jpg, mode – gray gradient or bit, definition – not lower than 300 px/inch for photographs and not lower than 600 px/inch for graphs). In scanned figures the captions should be clearly fit. Alt text is not allowed.
The figures made in Microsoft Graph, should have 10 pt text font, lines weight is not more than 0.5 pt; in captions the prepositions should not be separated from words they belong to. Instead of using bold text it is recommended to use capitalization. The figures should be grouped into the macro cell and should be editable. Figures in MS Visio will be rejected. At the graph figures it is recommended to use different dashes – dash-lines of different length, etc.
Diagrams created in Microsoft Word, are accepted in editable format (it is recommended to submit them in a separate Excel file). Figures should not fall out of the page layout. Landscape pages are not allowed.
Captures are required (Fig. 1. The title: a – example 1; b – example 2; c – example 3; d – example 4). All illustrations should have continuous numbering. All figures should be referenced in the text of the article.
The total number of tables and figures – not more than 10. The simultaneous use of tables and figures representing the same results is not allowed.
Formulas Typing
Formulas are edited in Microsoft Equation 3 formula editor. Formulas should not be longer than 80 mm. Characters size in formulas: regular – 10 pt, large index – 7 pt, small index – 5 pt. Latin letters are typed in italics, Greek and Russian letters are typed in upright font, math characters cos, sin, max, min, etc. in upright font. The size of the formula is 100 %. Converting formulas to figures is not allowed.
Each formula according to the context should be followed by a comma or a dot. To put a comma or a dot in formula editor is not allowed. Formula number should be given in parentheses at the right margin of the page at the level of the formula. Only the formulas referenced in the text should be numbered. The dimensions of all characteristics should conform to SI system. It is not recommended to use in the text the characters typed in a formula editor.
References and Citations Formatting
A reference list of a scientific article is judged by the quality of the sources cited. The main requirements that are specified for sources cited in the work are their compliance with the topic under study and their trustworthiness. For scientific articles the most trustworthy sources are the newest articles and monographies (including the foreign ones), published over the last 3–5 years in the acknowledged journals by the authors with high scientific skills.
References are listed in the order of citation in the article. Reference list should not include the sources not cited in the article. Each citation in the reference list should correspond with only one article. Complex citations (grouping the sources under one number) are strictly prohibited.
In the journal it is not common to cite textbooks and study guides, except the flagship in their respective field, thesis papers and synopsis of a thesis. Not less than a quarter of the sources listed in the reference list should be published in the last 3–5 years. References to print publications only are acceptable (excluding e-journals). References to internet sites are not accepted. Not more than 20 % of the sources can be references on the own author's publications.
The numbers of pages in the bibliographical entry of the source are required. If the citation refers to the independent publication (for example, a monograph), the total number of pages is given (for example, 345 p.). If the citation refers the journal article, the head and the last pages of the article are given (for example, pp. 17–19).
If a cited source has a DOI, the DOI should be indicated at the end of bibliographic description of this source. All DOIs should be valid links.
A bibliographical entry outline for REFERENCES An article in the journal An independent publication |
A bibliographical entry is a set of bibliographical notes about the document cited, considered or mentioned in the text, needed and sufficient for general characteristics, identification and searching for the document. Bibliographical entries are used when:
- citing;
- borrowing concepts, formulas, tables, illustrations from other sources;
- paraphrasing, rewriting the text fragment in your own words;
- the reference to the other publication, where the question is discussed in a more detailed way, is needed;
- analyzing the works published.
In the text the index number of the source from the reference list is given in square brackets.
The pages number is given in square brackets only when the direct quote is used. All direct quotes should be quoted.
The simultaneous use of more than three references is not allowed. If several sources are mentioned they are separated by a semicolon (for example, [1; 2] or [3; 7; 12]) or a hyphen, if the sequence of sources is given (for example, [1–3] instead of [1; 2; 3]).
In case figures, schemas, tables in the text are taken from other publications it is necessary to refer to their sources. Herewith after mentioning the title of the figure, scheme, table “Retrieved from” is mentioned in square brackets. Then the number of the source in the reference list where the figure, scheme or table was taken from and separated by comma the number of the page, the figure, scheme or table is on in this source.
The type of the reference | Formatting in the text |
Direct quoting | [14, p. 236] |
Presenting of original thoughts without quoting | [12] |
Quoting not by the original | [cit. ex: 14, p. 236] |
Listing the authors working on the similar problem | [5; 6; 18] |
Retrieving a figure, scheme, table from another source | [Retrieved from: 14, p. 236] |
References examples (1) However the use of a Capto taper shank does not mean that the drill with such a shank can work with any drill feed except the minimal calculated using the formula (12). With heavy drill feeding and resulting high pulling torque the feeding is limited by tooling hardness [16; 17]. (2) based on the assumption that “viscosity isotherms often reach the maximum with the strength similar to intermetallic compounds” [19, p. 232], the existence of an intermediate phase ~Al49Cu can be expected. (3) Fig. 3. Physical characteristics of cast alloys [Retrieved from: 8, p. 142] |
Submission and Evaluation
- To publish articles in an issue, authors need to submit an application to the Editors, to send materials to the e-mail of the Journal or to upload them to the personal account.
The application must contain:
- text of the article (see the form and examples)
- Author Profile for each author
- expert review allowing research results to be published open access
- a letter from the organization recommending the manuscript for publication
- signed Author’s Declaration
Specified when registering the names and addresses will be used solely for technical purposes of a contact with the Author or reviewers (editors) when preparing the article for publication. Private data will not be shared with other individuals and organizations.
- After the application is submitted to the Editorial Office, the article is examined for the correctness of submission and correspondence to the subject of the Journal.
- If the application cannot be satisfied, the author will be sent a letter indicating the reason and recommendations for the necessary corrections.
Evaluation and Publication Schedule
- Acceptance, registration, initial verification of the correspondence of manuscripts to the Journal's publication requirements is carried out by the executive secretary.
The Editorial Board of the Journal reserves the right to reject the data or send it back to authors for revision (manuscript and/or supporting documents), if it is submitted in violation of established requirements.
The manuscript can be rejected by the editor before reviewing if there is a good reason for this (for example, if discovered that the article was previously published in another publication; if the scientific quality of the article is low and does not correspond to the level of the Journal; if the subject of the article does not correspond to the subject of the Journal, etc.).
Before the reviewing itself, all received, correctly issued manuscripts, are checked out by the system of Antiplagiat.
If there are formal comments on the article, it is referred to the author for revision. The author must recomplete the article within 5 working days from the date of sending a letter from the Editorial Board of the Journal. - Correctly submitted article is provided for peer review, its results are sent to the author by e-mail. If the reviewer has sent the article for revision and re-reviewing, the author must recomplete the article within 5 working days from the date of sending a letter to him.
Authors should also provide a Response to Reviewer, which is a detailed document explaining how they responded to each comment. On the day of receiving a positive review, the paper is transferred to the responsible editor for work. If she has any comments on the paper, she sends them to the author by e-mail.
After acceptance for publication, the bibliographer, proofreader, and translator work with the paper. If they have any questions or clarifications on the paper, all these issues are agreed with the author through the assistant editor. The recommended approval period is 1 working day.
- The formatted paper is sent to the author for proofreading. The recommended approval period for the paper layout is 1 working day.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.
The manuscript is accepted if it has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
The author guarantees that (s)he has exclusive copyright for the material submitted to the Editors.
Text should be typed with an interval of one and a half line spacing, font Times New Roman, 14 pt. All figures and tables are placed within the text according to the meaning of the particular part of text (and not at the end of the document).
Text should follow the stylistic and bibliography requirements as stated in Regulations located in the Part "Author Guidelines".
Copyright Notice
Authors who publish with “Frontier Materials & Technologies” journal agree to the following terms:
- Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY 4.0) that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
- Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the work (e.g., publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
Privacy Statement
Specified when registering the names and addresses will be used solely for technical purposes of a contact with the Author or reviewers (editors) when preparing the article for publication. Private data will not be shared with other individuals and organizations.
The affiliation and e-mail addresses of the authors of the manuscript accepted for publication will be published in the OUR AUTHORS section of the printed version of the journal and in the About the Authors section on the page of the paper on the journal’s website.
The phone number of the author responsible for correspondence is known only to the editorial board secretariat and will be used only in case of emergency exclusively for urgent communication with the author, and will not be used for any other purposes or provided to other persons and organizations.