Accuracy of the geometric shape of the hole in the longitudinal section during honing

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The wide application of honing as a finishing treatment of internal cylindrical surfaces for cylinder-piston systems, used in some structures, is caused by high accuracy measured in tenths of a micrometer, and high productivity of the process. The most important indicator of reliable operation of cylinder-piston systems are high requirements for the geometric accuracy of holes. Due to the lack of sufficient theoretical justification for the selection of honing parameters ensuring the accuracy of the geometric shape of the hole in the longitudinal section, the authors proposed a model for the formation of errors in the geometric shape of the hole. The model is built on the kinematic characteristics of the process including the ratio of the honing stone dimensions, the length of the hole, the stroke of the honing head, the ratio of the speeds of translational and rotational movements, and the force action in the processing zone, which changed due to the presence of an overrun of the honing stone. To obtain analytical dependencies ensuring the minimisation of form deviations, the conditions for stock removal for the points of the machined surface were considered, the value of which was taken proportional to the path of movement, and the pressure value. For this purpose, graphs of the distribution functions of displacements and pressure changes were constructed depending on the coordinate of the point location on the generating line of the hole being machined. Using the obtained analytical dependencies, the potential occurrence of a shape error in the form of a saddle shape was found, the dominant factor influencing the value of which is the value of the honing stone overrun. At the same time, it was identified that the ratio of the speeds of translational and rotational movements has an insignificant effect on the violation of the form in the longitudinal section.

About the authors

Aleksandr F. Denisenko

Samara State Technical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6393-2831

Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, professor of Chair “Mechanical Engineering Technology, Machines and Tools”

Russian Federation, 443100, Russia, Samara, Molodogvardeyskaya Street, 244

Roman G. Grishin

Samara State Technical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4511-9147

PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair “Mechanical Engineering Technology, Machines and Tools”

Russian Federation, 443100, Russia, Samara, Molodogvardeyskaya Street, 244

Evgeniya D. Antipova

Samara State Technical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1759-7080

postgraduate student of Chair “Mechanical Engineering Technology, Machines and Tools”

Russian Federation, 443100, Russia, Samara, Molodogvardeyskaya Street, 244


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Copyright (c) 2024 Denisenko A.F., Grishin R.G., Antipova E.D.

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