Frontier Materials & Technologies
Peer-reviewed scholarly journal published quarterly since 2008.
Publisher & Founder
Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russia
Mikhail M. Krishtal
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Scopus ResearcherID ORCID
Languages: Russian, English. Since 2023, all the articles are published in parallel Russian and English.
Periodicity: quarterly (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 30).
Average time from submission of a manuscript to acceptance for publication: 90 days.
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The journal is included in the List of Peer-reviewed Journals of Higher Attestation Commission, and the research results of a DSc or CSc thesis are recommended to be published in the journal.
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Five-year 2022 Russian Science Citation Index Impact Factor is 0.140 (with no self-citations).
Before December 2021 - Science Vector of Togliatti State University / Vektor nauki Tol'yattinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
The Subjects for Publishing
The journal publishes original papers in the following areas:
- Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science
- Machine Science (Engineering)
- Friction and Wear in Machines (Engineering)
- Robotics, Mechatronics and Robotical Systems (Engineering)
- Technology and Equipment for Mechanical, Physical and Technical Treatment (Engineering)
- Technologies and Machines for Pressure Treatment (Engineering)
- Welding and Allied Processes and Technologies (Engineering)
- Methods and Devices for Control and Diagnostics of Materials, Goods, Substances and Natural Environment (Engineering)
- Metallurgy and Materials Science
- Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treating of Metals and Alloys(Engineering)
- Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals (Engineering)
- Pressure Treatment of Metals and Alloys (Engineering)
- Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials (Physics and Mathematics)
- Materials Science (Engineering)
Current Issue
No 4 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Published: 28.12.2024
- Articles: 10
- URL:
Published 28.12.2024.
Influence of roller characteristics on powder layer applying in additive technologies
In the study and analysis of additive technologies, special attention is paid to increasing the productivity and quality of printed products. However, to improve the 3D printing productivity, it is impossible to increase simply the speed of the squeegee without changing its shape or type. In this case, the quality of the powder layer may suffer, which will lead to a deterioration in the qualities of the final part. To study the effect of roller characteristics on the powder layer deposition, a series of computer simulations of simulation models was carried out. The effect of roller characteristics on the powder layer applying, was assessed, for roller diameters of 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 mm. The simulation was carried out with three application methods: by a rotating and non-rotating roller, as well as by a rotating roller with additional powder feed. It was determined that when applying a layer with a rotating roller with additional powder feed, it is possible to achieve constancy of the forces acting on the roller. This can positively affect the homogeneity of the applied layer. The application of a layer by a rotating roller with additional powder feed is most suitable for 3D printers with a large print area. This method allows avoiding the movement of a large mass of powder over the previous layer, which positively influences the quality of the final part. The study revealed the influence of roller characteristics on the deposition of a powder layer. In particular, with an increase in the roller diameter from 30 to 300 mm, the peak force value also increases. With an increase in the roller diameter by 7.9 %, the powder layer density also increases. It was found that the non-rotating roller is affected by the greatest force, and the forces acting on the rotating rollers differ slightly. A rotating roller, without adding powder, creates the densest layer and allows achieving a powder layer compaction of 5.35 %.

Computer prediction of fracture of magnesium alloy cylindrical billet during equal channel angular pressing
The main challenge in using magnesium alloys, applied in medicine as biodegradable materials, is their difficult deformability, which in turn leads to frequent failure of samples during severe plastic deformation. This paper shows that the temperature mode of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) of a Mg–Zn–Ca system magnesium alloy, which ensures deformation of samples without failure, can be determined based on the results of finite-element computer simulation of the stress-strain state of the billet, calculation of alloy damage using the Cockcroft–Latham model, and prediction of the sample failure area. Modelling showed that the surface area of the billet adjacent to the matrix inner corner during ECAP, is the area of possible failure of the magnesium alloy. The value of alloy damage during ECAP in this area at T=350 °C is less than 1, which corresponds to non-failure of the metal. To verify the computer simulation results, ECAP physical simulation was performed; billets without signs of failure were produced. A study of the mechanical properties of the Mg–1%Zn–0.06%Ca magnesium alloy was conducted before and after ECAP processing according to the selected mode: the ultimate strength limit increased by 45 %, the hardness increased by 16 %, while the plasticity increased by 5 %.

Phase composition, structure and microhardness of the VT23 titanium alloy after deformation in a Bridgman chamber
The authors have studied for the first time the phase composition, microhardness and fine structure of the VT23 (α+β)-titanium alloy, with stable and metastable β-phase, after torsional deformation in a Bridgman chamber under a pressure of 4 GPa at room temperature. It has been found that the alloy microhardness, depending on the true degree of deformation under high hydrostatic pressure, changes along a curve with a maximum. The role of stress-induced βm→α" martensitic transformation in the formation of alloy structure, and microhardness under high-pressure torsion was revealed. The highest microhardness of the alloy with stable β-phase was 395 HV 0.05, and with metastable – 470 HV 0.05. At the same time, the maximum microhardness of metastable alloy, compared to stable alloy, was shifted to the region of lower true strain е=2.6. Using X-ray diffraction analysis, and transmission electron microscopy methods, made it possible to trace the evolution of alloy structure under high-pressure deformation consisting in grinding of α-, and α"-phase plates compared to the quenched state, as well as in the development of deformation βm→α", and α"→βm martensitic transformations. An increase in the degree of deformation by high-pressure torsion to е=7.7...7.9, regardless of the deformation stability of the β-phase, leads to a decrease in the alloy microhardness to a level of 185...205 HV 0.05. This is associated with the development of the dynamic recrystallisation process, and the formation of equiaxed α-phase nanoparticles with a size of 20...50 nm. The differences in the loading-unloading curves revealed by kinetic indentation, corresponded to the nature of the change in the VT23 alloy microhardness, depending on the quenching temperature and the true deformation degree.

Study of centrifugal atomisation mechanisms based on a simulated experiment
The process of melt dispersion on a rotating bowl is a common method for producing metal powders. It is difficult to study the dispersion process on real melts, including by visualisation methods. Therefore, it is proposed to study the influence of such factors as the jet fall height, liquid flow rate, surface wetting, and the presence of a bowl wall on the process of obtaining small droplets using a model liquid without crystallisation, recording the process by high-speed shooting. The purpose of this work is to determine the most favourable dispersion conditions, when all the supplied liquid turns into droplets without the formation of large droplets, additional jets leading to secondary spraying. A glycerol solution in water with a viscosity equal to the viscosity of tin melt was chosen as a model liquid. The dispersion process was shot on a high-speed camera with a shooting frequency of 1,200 frames per second. It was found that when increasing the melt flow, a change in the spray mode is observed. With an increase in pressure, the flow and kinetic interaction of the jet with the surface of the bowl, increase, and consequently, the excess liquid, which is sprayed prematurely, increases. At any flow of the supplied liquid, if the liquid does not get to the centre, secondary spraying occurs due to the destruction of the film, on the hydraulic jump, because of the uneven radial velocity at the peak of the jump. When the feed height changes from 100 to 150 mm, secondary spraying in the form of droplets is observed at the hydraulic jump area. The number of spirals and secondary spraying affect the increase in the size of the particle fraction. In the range of the jet fall height from 50 to 100 mm, an optimal process is observed, in which it is possible to obtain the smallest fraction. In the experiment, a tendency to improve the spraying process when increasing the bowl surface finish was observed. Due to the walls of the bowl, the path of the liquid before it leaves the bowl increases, drops flying above the surface of the bowl are destroyed into a film, therefore, the dispersion process improves

On the formation of thermal barrier coatings by magnetron sputtering
The use of magnetron sputtering systems with extended uncooled targets will allow developing industrial import-substituting technologies for the formation of thermal barrier coatings, based on zirconium oxide doped with rare earth metal oxides to solve urgent problems of gas turbine construction. This paper presents the results of comparing the technology for producing thermal barrier coatings by magnetron sputtering, with two types of extended targets made of Zr–8%Y alloy – a widely used cooled target and an uncooled extended target, of a magnetron sputtering system developed by the authors. This paper gives a comparison of the results of mass-spectrometric studies of the hysteresis of the oxygen partial pressure inherent in the technology for producing oxide films; the influence of the target type on the coating growth rate; studies of the structure of thermal barrier coatings using the scanning electron microscopy method; and the elemental composition of coatings based on zirconium dioxide partially stabilised with yttrium oxide – YSZ. It has been experimentally found that increasing the temperature of the magnetron sputtering system target, allows decreasing the loop width of the characteristic hysteresis of the oxygen partial pressure dependence on its flow rate by 2 times. The obtained dependencies allowed determining the range of oxygen flow rates at various magnetron discharge powers, at which the work can be performed with stable and sustainable process control, without the risk of falling into hysteresis. The conducted metallographic studies showed a characteristic developed porous dendritic structure of the ceramic layer, which is necessary to reduce the thermal conductivity coefficient of the thermal barrier coating. It has been revealed that the use of an uncooled target allows increasing the deposition rate of the thermal barrier coating by more than 10 times compared to the deposition rate for a cooled target. The obtained results demonstrate the possibility of using the magnetron sputtering technology of an extended uncooled target to form a ceramic layer of thermal barrier coatings.

Electrochemical interaction between biodegradable ZX10 and WZ31 magnesium alloys and medical Ti6Al4V titanium alloy
Magnesium-based alloys are a modern material for the production of biodegradable (self-dissolving) surgical implants. Magnesium is a metal with the most negative electrode potential of all structural materials: −2.37 V. This means that close arrangement of implants made of magnesium and, for example, titanium alloys will lead to the occurrence of a galvanic effect and accelerated electrochemical corrosion of magnesium. However, it is unknown how the ratio of the areas of titanium and magnesium products affects the magnitude of this effect. This work covers this issue. In the presented study, cylindrical samples of biodegradable ZX10 and WZ31 magnesium alloys were placed in physiological Ringer’s solution at a distance of 3 cm from a sample of medical Ti6Al4V alloy of the same shape and size. During the test, the temperature of the corrosive environment was maintained at 37 °C. The series of experiments included corrosion tests lasting three days with the participation of one, two or four magnesium samples, thus the area ratios between the titanium and magnesium alloy were 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4. It was found that for both magnesium alloys, with an increase in the area ratio, the effect of electrochemical action decreases significantly, which is expressed in a decrease in the corrosion rate. At the same time, for the WZ31 alloy, the effect of the presence of Ti6Al4V on the corrosion rate is significantly weaker than for ZX10, which is explained by the presence of the LPSO phase in the alloy, as well as a more alloyed matrix and, accordingly, having a more positive electrode potential.

Intensification of the process of equal channel angular pressing using ultrasonic vibrations
The work presents a new method of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) using powerful ultrasonic vibrations (UV). The authors have developed an original device of ultrasonic ECAP, in which the waveguide with the matrix are made as a single unit, and the waveguide fastening elements are located in the nodal plane of mechanical displacements of the standing wave, the excitation of which occurs directly in the matrix and the blank during pressing. For the first time, it has been proposed to transmit ultrasonic vibrations to the zone of intersection of the matrix channels through which the blank moves, not through the punch, but by exciting vibrations in the matrix itself, i. e. the matrix is simultaneously a waveguide for longitudinal ultrasonic vibrations. This allowed increasing repeatedly the efficiency of ultrasonic action by reducing the friction forces between the surface of the blank and the surface of the matrix channels, as well as by reducing the deformation forces in the zone of intersection of the matrix channels, where a simple shift of the deformed metal occurs. As a result, in comparison with the known methods of ultrasonic ECAP, when the reduction in pressing force is less than 15 %, the excitation of ultrasonic vibrations directly in the waveguide – matrix allowed reducing the pressing force by 1.5–4 times. At the same time, the structure of the pressed materials also changes significantly: the grain size and their crystallographic orientations decrease, the microhardness increases. Changes in the phase composition for all samples produced by ECAP with ultrasonic vibrations, and by conventional technology are not observed.

Universal model for predicting the phase composition of multicomponent brasses based on chemical analysis data
When developing technical requirements for alloys, it is important to apply an integrated approach. Combining analytical and simulation modelling, it is possible to reduce technological risks at the stage of creating or modifying requirements. The implementation of this approach directly depends on the degree of consideration of all factors included in the models, as well as on their influence on the variability of characteristics. However, known models do not provide satisfactory convergence with real industrial alloys. Using the example of a complex-alloyed CuZn13Mn8Al5Si2Fe1Pb brass, an approach is proposed that allows describing the variability in the structural state of multicomponent brasses. The analysis of statistical data on the chemical composition and microstructure of industrial batches, made it possible to establish that the alloy matrix solution is a (α+β)-brass, and corresponds to the phase ratio at 700 °C on the polythermal pseudo-binary cross-section of the Cu–Zn–Mn5Si3 diagram. The distribution of alloying elements in the main phases was studied using X-ray spectral analysis. The complete binding of iron in silicides and uniform distribution of manganese in the hot-pressed state were confirmed. A calculation of the silicon proportion in the solid solution was proposed. The measured density of the alloy is 7650 kg/m³, while the calculated density of the matrix solution is 8100 kg/m³. Based on the updated parameters of the universal model, the authors used the Monte Carlo method to assess the variability of the microstructure in relation to the requirements for the chemical composition. The instability of technological properties is attributed to significant variability in the ratio of the α- and β-phases. The content of the α-phase in the alloy ranges from 37.5 % to 66.5 %, while the β-phase varies from 17.5 % to 55.2 %. The simulation model developed in this study enables both to analyse the existing alloys and to predict the behaviour of new alloys. This is critically important for optimising technological processes, and improving the operational properties of materials.

Effect of alloy composition on machining parameters and surface quality through comprehensive analysis
This study examined the influence of alloy composition (mild steel and aluminium) on several machining parameters, such as temperature, cutting force, surface roughness, and chip morphology. Significant variations in these parameters were detected by modifying the alloys while maintaining constant process conditions. In mild steel, rotating speed affected chip morphology, with elevated speeds resulting in continuous chips and reduced rates yielding shorter chips. The augmented rake angle affects the chip properties, resulting in a little decrease in chip length. Moreover, the cutting force influenced the chip length at a designated rotational speed. Conversely, aluminium alloys continuously generated continuous chip fragments irrespective of cutting speed or rake angle. Favourable correlation coefficients are noted among the variables, and a regression model is effectively developed and utilized on the experimental data. The random forest model indicates that material selection significantly influences temperature, cutting force, surface roughness, and chip morphology during machining. This study offers significant insights into the correlation between tool rake angle and other machining parameters, elucidating the elements that influence surface quality. The results enhance comprehension of machined surface attributes, facilitating the optimization of machining operations for various materials.

Predictive fatigue life modelling for aluminum alloys winder high temperature and shot peening interact
Enhancing the surface quality of shells subjected to high stress is a major task. A variety of procedures are employed for dealing with this issue. Shot peening is particularly common for aluminium alloys made. In fact, the main method for assessing the surface’s durability under consideration is fatigue testing using standard specimens over several cycles. This paper investigates the performance of aluminium alloys under high-temperature exposure, examining their behaviour with and without shot peening-induced hardening. In fact, the study focuses on the fatigue behaviour of aluminium alloys 2024-T4 and 2024-T361 at 250 °C. Experiments on standard-sized specimens were conducted at both room temperature and 250 °C to evaluate how temperature affects fatigue life. The findings were consistent with previously published data, providing useful insights into the behaviour of these alloys at extreme temperatures. Additionally, a mathematical model was developed, integrating the Stress – Number of cycles curve, loading sequence, temperature, and surface hardness from shot peening. This model was compared with Miner’s rule to assess its predictive accuracy. The results show that the new model provides more accurate predictions of fatigue life than Miner’s rule, thereby improving the reliability and safety of components in high-temperature applications. By offering precise fatigue life predictions, this research aids in the design and development of more durable aluminium alloy components, ensuring optimal performance and safety in challenging operating environments.