- Authors: Barvinok V.A.1, Chekmarev A.N.1, Eskina E.V.1
- Korolev Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU), Samara
- Issue: No 3 (2014)
- Pages: 39-46
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/625
- ID: 625
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The article covers the problem of quality management on the basis of standardization as the main instrument of competitiveness improving in the absence of Federal law "About standardization" which became inoperative on the 1st of July, 2003. The authors suggest the processes control chart which is based on Deming Cycle PDCA consisting of the following cycles: analysis, planning, carrying out, standardization; the algorithm of application of statistical techniques as the base for initial understanding of how to use the statistical techniques and the principles of variability for making the effective decisions. The authors consider the main instruments of statistical processes control (histograms, check lists, Ср, Ск) and the strategy of "6 sigmas". It is offered to use corporate standards (CS) – standards for processes and standards for assessment methods – as one of the main instruments of the process quality management. Standards for processes specify key requirements for technology of manufacturing of various products at all stages of the product life cycle. Standards for methods of the product quality assessment (check, control) should primarily provide comprehensive check-up of all obligatory requirements for the product quality. The efficient adoption of CS within the actual enterprise operation environment should be based on the following main principles: complexity; integratedness; consistency; targeting. The existing normative documents base of the aeronautic cluster should be considerably updated. The authors suggested the main lines of work on standardization at the enterprises of the branch.
About the authors
Vitaly Alekseevich Barvinok
Korolev Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU), Samara
Author for correspondence.
Email: barvinok@ssau.ru
Corresponding Member of the RAS, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Head of the Department of Air Craft Manufacture and Quality Management in Engineering
РоссияAnatoly Nikolaevich Chekmarev
Korolev Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU), Samara
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of the Department of Air Craft Manufacture and Quality Management in Engineering
РоссияElena Vladimirovna Eskina
Korolev Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU), Samara
Email: elena2002.83@mail.ru
candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Air Craft Manufacture and Quality Management in Engineering