- Authors: Natareev S.V.1, Nikiforova T.E.1, Golyakov R.E.1, Sirotkin A.A.1
- Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, Ivanovo
- Issue: No 2 (2017)
- Pages: 44-48
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/237
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18323/2073-5073-2017-2-44-48
- ID: 237
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The paper gives the analysis of the experimental study of the energy saving and the drying process intensification and specifies the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of drying in a fluidized bed. The authors determine various technological and manufacturing methods allowing reducing the energy consumption of the process and intensifying the drying of wet materials. The paper presents the data on the experimental study of the process of drying the ash from CHPP in the multi-chamber fluidized bed dryer. The study was carried out in the laboratory-scale plant. The laboratory dryer had the following dimensions: the device height was 0,6 m, the diameter of gas distribution grid was 0,08 m, and the body frame taper was 14º. The device was split into sections by vertical baffles and it had one, two, three and four sections. The disperse material passed from one section to another using the overflow device. The authors give the dependencies of dried material moisture content on the temperature of drying agent. The study showed that the increase of hot air temperature decreases the product moisture content. The paper presents the dependencies of the dried material moisture content on the number of sections in the device. It is shown that the expansion in the number of sections in the device decreases the moisture content of the product. The authors give the distribution curves of final values of the moisture content of ash from CHPP and air by the sections of the four-section device and the distribution curves of the temperature of air along the height of sections of the device. The study of the processes of drying ash from CHPP showed that the multi-section device is more effective in comparison with the one-section device. The moisture content of dried ash from CHPP is 1,7 times less in the multi-section device then in the one-section device. The multi-section dryer can work with the recycling of exhausted drying gasses. The recirculation air volume is 25 % of total air consumption.
About the authors
Sergey Valentinovich Natareev
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, Ivanovo
Author for correspondence.
Email: natoret@mail.ru
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), professor of Chair “Machines and devices of chemical industry”
РоссияTatyana Evgenyevna Nikiforova
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, Ivanovo
Email: tatianaenik@mail.ru
Doctor of Sciences (Chemistry), assistant professor of Chair “Food technology and biotechnology”
РоссияRoman Evgenyevich Golyakov
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, Ivanovo
Email: natoret@mail.ru
graduate student of Chair “Machines and devices of chemical industry”
РоссияAleksey Aleksandrovich Sirotkin
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, Ivanovo
Email: komradguad@rambler.ru
graduate student of Chair “Machines and devices of chemical industry”
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