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The article analyses special aspects and key problems of the modern information-educational environment (IES).

In the authors’ opinion, one of these aspects is the superdense information richness of the environment which makes the ability of a person to search the necessary information quickly and to adapt it to the goals and tasks a significant factor of successful professional activity of an individual. The other aspect is the necessity for optimization and simplification of the process of IES supporting with standards, educational software tools, program-methodical complexes, and other electronic information-educational resources. Except these material and technology aspects, the authors analyze psychology-educational aspect of IES which defines the priority of the teacher’s personality in any pedagogical system, regardless of the level of computerization, technification and internetization of its environment and emphasizes the fact that the essential personality features are formed not from the volume of the information received, but from interpersonal communication.

When analyzing the problems of IES, the authors put emphasis on the necessity of formation of the information-communicative technologies (ICT) thesaurus as the open system of unambiguous data on any field of knowledge allowing a person or a computer to be conversant in it. There are a number of other key problems of IES: teacher’s psychological and organizational unreadiness to work within the modern hi-tech educational environment; teacher’s commitment to his/her stereotypes of activity arrangement without use of means of ICT or, on the contrary, the recognition of ICT to be the only acceptable mono-technology for planning and organizing educational process and its management. A certain group of IES problems consists of the deficiency of opportunities for improvement of teachers information and technological competence accounted for discrepancy between the material base condition of the educational organization and modern requirements or, on the contrary, the congestion of the environment with computer tools against its acquisition with the license software. This fact does not help the achievement of the estimated educational result because of the students physiological and information fatigue, and complicates the process of their information perception and digestion.

The authors opinion is that the list of given aspects and problems of modern IES can contribute in creation of conditions for improvement of quality of teaching and educational process.

About the authors

Anatoly Nikolaevich Yarygin

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor


Vladimir Nikolayevich Aniskin

Volga Region State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities, Samara


candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor


Tatiana Valeryanovna Dobudko

Volga Region State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities, Samara


Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor 



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