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Education system is the basis for dynamic economic growth and social development of the society. It encourages the formation of learning organizations where the knowledge intellectualization and the knowledge transfer during teamwork play special role. Priority position of the learning organizations is the ability to learn, get practical, and not abstract knowledge and skills. In this case, the learning process is an integrated process in the context of everyday teamwork.

Any teamwork has its own characteristics. One of them is the development of knowledge and skills sufficient for task solution, the absence of which will cause the failure of teamwork. For this reason, the need for continuous updating of knowledge potential of each team member is being formed.

Knowledge transfer in learning systems is closely related to the staff competence, which demonstrates willingness and ability to reproduce their knowledge and to integrate them with others in order to achieve identified goals. The information-educational system (IES) can act as an integrator of learning organization knowledge component.

Higher education institution, where educational training system exists but requires mechanisms of development of the information-educational component, was considered as a learning organization.

This article proposes the original conceptual approach to designing of the core of the information-educational system for the learning organizations. The authors have reviewed the structuring mechanisms for the convergence of producers and users of new knowledge for the purpose of rapid commercialization of research results. Convergence, in this context, is understood as a consistent resolution of alternative and minor problems until the final decision characterizing the research goal achievement is not determined.

The novelty of the proposed solutions consists in the specification of the core structure of the information-educational system for the learning organization. IES core content is formed on the base of factors providing minimum requirements to the training programs complex and its content. One of the main core factors that have not been taken into consideration before is the knowledge convergence factor.

About the authors

Svetlana Dmitrievna Syrotyuk

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, doctoral student



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