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One of the main trends of modern reform of the Russian Federation educational system is the application of distance learning modes. In this connection, it becomes necessary to encourage students to work by themselves. It forms the content and level of knowledge, skills and abilities desired for decision of certain educational problems by the students at each stage of their motion from ignorance to knowledge, and creates the attitude for regular knowledge acquisition and development of skills to know scientific data when deciding new educational problems. Self-directed learning is the most important provision for self-organizing and self-discipline of a student and the instrument of educational guidance and management of self-directed cognitive activity of a student during the education process. There are several models of presentation of learning information for rational organizing of self-directed work of students: text, tabular, graphic methods of information presentation, and presentation of information using the lists. Text method of information presentation is the information presented as a text. Presentation of the text as a table is more structured, visually compelling and very understandable. There are several graphical schemes for the information structuring. Clusters – this scheme allows to present large amounts of information.  Mental maps allow to present graphically large amounts of information. Denotative diagram includes presentation of complex concepts using the keywords. The scheme "Fish-bones" helps to describe cause-and-effect relations. Graphic method of the information presentation is the most efficient method as it presents the information in more structured and systematized form, makes it more visually compelling, comprehensible, good for visual memorizing.

About the authors

Elena Sergeevna Pavlova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogic sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department «Higher Mathematics and Mathematic Modeling»


Sabina Shekhshanatovna Palferova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti


candidate of pedagogic sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department «Higher Mathematics and Mathematic Modeling»



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