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The article presents the educational system of engineering graphical training of students of technical universities, based on the application of electronic learning complex. Theoretical and methodological kernel of the educational system under consideration is the developed by the authors computer competence-module technology for development of professional engineering graphical competence during the process of learning discipline "Computer Graphics" by the students of engineering specialties. Three-dimensional solid state system "COMPASS-3D» used for teaching computer graphics allows the students to design at the level of solids involving the powerful design libraries and advanced mathematical tool for carrying out necessary calculations; 3D-technology allows, by means of animation, to simulate spatial movement of elements of a designed product.

The article shows the efficiency of use of CAD-systems for development of the students' professional engineering graphical skills. The authors establish the scientific rationale for professional engineering graphical competence of a machine building specialist, which should be developed by the students as a result of learning of computer graphics. It is noted, that the multimedia technology of learning using software and hardware provides a unique opportunity to simulate images of real objects, phenomena and processes.

The article presents the electronic learning complex developed and used by the authors during the course of computer graphics, which is a set of integrative didactic teaching, encyclopedic and application materials, a universal tool for organizing and supporting the learning process and the independent creative work of students. Structural components of the electronic learning complex located on the external media and the local network server allow to realize information-developmental, activity and person-centered approaches to the process of development of professional engineering graphical competences by the students. The article presents the results of pedagogical experiment on determination of the effectiveness of the system for development of professional engineering graphical competences which demonstrate the rationale of its use.

About the authors

Valentin Nikolayevich Mikhelkevich

Samara State Technical University, Samara


Doctor of Engineering, Professor of the Department "Psychology and Pedagogy"

Russian Federation

Tatiana Sergeevna Moskalyova

Samara State Technical University, Samara


candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department "Engineering graphics"

Russian Federation

Alexandra Borisovna Puzankova

Samara State Technical University, Samara

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor of the Department "Engineering graphics"

Russian Federation


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