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The article considers the technique of increase of high school students motivation to a healthy lifestyle, and to physical training in particular. The authors describe hygienic norms of daily physical activity and prove that the lessons of physical training are intended to solve the problem of hypodynamia. They give classification of stimulants to physical training and the reasons for decrease of motivation to this kind of activity. Among the reasons for decrease of motivation to a healthy lifestyle and physical training we should distinguish the inconsistency of the educational program and the needs of students, high level of anxiety, insufficient information awareness of students on the healthy lifestyle. The authors suggest changing the structure and the content of lessons considering personal interest. They prove the use of introduction of theoretical physical education class providing minimization of negative motives to a healthy lifestyle by means of activities for teambuilding. The article presents the results of experimental research on evaluation of dynamics of the motivation level of high school students to physical training classes. To evaluate the level of motivation we used the following criteria: the rate of absence without reasonable excuse, an average annual mark for physical training, physical activity in sport sections. At the second stage of experiment the authors has developed practical actions for increasing motivation to a healthy lifestyle and physical training. The program was extended by a variative part: lapta, athletic gymnastics, handball, badminton. Experimental work on increase of motivation level of the students to a healthy lifestyle and physical training allowed to discover change of the students attitude to their own health and the increasing number of participants in various sport activities.

About the authors

Galina Vasilyevna Akhmetzhanova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogics and Teaching Methods

Russian Federation

Alexey Nikolaevich Osipov

Secondary General School with Enhanced Education in Separate Subjects n.a. N.F.Semizorov, Togliatti;
Togliatti State University, Togliatti


Deputy Director, graduate student

Russian Federation


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