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The author studied the ecological morphology of Moneses uniflora (Pyroloideae, Ericaceae) on the basis of data on the whole area of species. The article describes the plant ontomorphogenesis as the sequence of three morphological phases of the plant life – seed phase, protosome plant phase and protosome-shoot plant phase. The author also suggested the existence of the fourth phase person (zooid) at the end of life – secondary protosome plant whose discovering in the nature is complicated by the absence of any structures above the substrate. Three ontobiomorphs of M. uniflora – seed, protosome and protosome-shoot plant – were pointed out. The author describes three types of shoots in the structure of the whole plant of the final ontobiomorph: underground and above-ground monocarpic, underground and above-ground with incomplete development cycle, and above-ground monocarpic. The main role in shoot part composition plays the first type of shoots. Its development consists of five morphogenesis phases: bud phase, innovation shoot phase (with two sub-phases – geophilous and above-ground (assimilating) shoots), innovation-generative shoot phase and secondary innovation shoot phase. The author defined the anatomy structure of axis and compared it with the same of the other Pyroloideae. It was shown that the assignment of underground structures to the rhizome is impossible both morphologically (due to the lack of metameric structure typical for shoots) and anatomically (due to the different microscopic state on the sections). The author demonstrated the anatomy-morphological and functional similarity with the secondary roots of the other Pyroloideae, and suggested to retain the term “protosome part” for them because of characteristics of origin and further development (structural priority, development from the deep reduced corcule with the eliminated radicula and plagiotropic growth). As the result, the author defines the notion of the main life-form of the plant (according to Serebryakov’s system with subsequent additions) as “a perennial mixotrophic protosome-shoot herbaceous plant with perennial shoot part consisting of solitary shoots”.

About the authors

Yuri Alexandrovich Bobrov

Syktyvkar State University, Syktyvkar

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of the Ecology Department



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