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The article emphasizes the important role of physics at technical university as one of the fundamental disciplines that creates a solid base for training of future engineering specialists. The authors focus on the fact that one of the main tasks of physics is the formation of knowledge system of the students. Generalization and systematization are considered as the factors of knowledge system formation. The authors analyzed the problems of formation of knowledge system, identified weak points and discrepancies, and defined the tasks for this problem solution.

The article considers solution of the problem of knowledge system formation during the lectures using supportive lecture notes, as well as the methods of the studies. Special attention is paid to the fact that the basis for development of supporting lecture notes should be based on didactic principles which contribute not only to the formation of knowledge system, but also to the development of skills of the students. The authors offer the technique of making supportive lecture notes which is based on the splitting of theoretical material into modules, in accordance with the curriculum, and each module is to be blocked. Before the lecture the students are invited to revise the studied theoretical material being the base for new topic study, in accordance with the mini-program. The study of theoretical material block implies self-study and team-work of the students and professor. Within each block theoretical material is studied during the lectures using check-questions and task-questions. Express-testing on the whole studied material is provided to make summary of the lectures. A conference is considered to be a form of generalization and systematization of theoretical knowledge. The authors give the results of the experiment and arrive at conclusions about the necessity of the integrated approach to solving the problem of knowledge formation using generalization and systematization techniques, effective means, methods, and methodologies. As the result, the priority issues are noted for further research.

About the authors

Alexandra Nikolayevna Lavrenina

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.
Email: A.Lavrenina@tltsu.ru

candidate of pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor, assistant professor of the Department «General and Theoretical Physics»


Natalia Gennadyevna Levanova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Email: lewanowa.natalya@yandex.ru

candidate of pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor, assistant professor of the Department «General and Theoretical Physics»



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