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Taking into account the growth of competitive struggle between enterprises in the Russian market economy, the level of competitiveness and reliability of enterprises increases as well. This raises a need to develop explicit scientific principles aimed at solving organizational and management problems of the enterprise in the conditions of market environment. This article focuses on the problem of developing a manufacturing program (MP) of the enterprise as an initial factor for increasing reliability and efficiency of launch vehicles (LV) production industrial complex in a competitive interaction. The manufacturing program of the enterprise is developed based on the following parameters: the nomenclature, the number and terms of production and the start of launch vehicles (LV). In this case, the manufacturing program (MP) is determined by market demand in each of these items, and this indicator is the limiting factor for the output volume. Therefore, it is necessary to model and analyze the market environment and the choice of manufacturing and organizational means of competitive interaction, providing the stability of equal MP parameters and reliability of the company are based on all these factors. The enterprise reliability indicator in the market environment is the part of market segment that the enterprise holds with each of the manufactured products. The stable solutions concerning MP are competitive strategies and it is not beneficial to any of the market player to go against them. It should be noted that the problem of organization of competitive interaction is far from being solved both in theory and in practice. In fact, from the level of scientific elaboration point of view it is only at the innitial stage of accumulating the facts and taking the path of scientific generalization. At present time, the development of the mathematical theory of competitive interaction is reduced to the organization of intercompany management, and control actions can be carried out from the core as in hierarchical systems.

About the authors

Kseniya Aleksandrovna Pekina

Space-Rocket Center «TsSKB-Progress», Samara

Author for correspondence.

Chief of bureau



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