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This article covers the theoretical aspects of the process of formation of region-oriented communicative competence of future bachelors of “Tourism” degree program at the university. Earlier, it was defined that this competence is focused on cross-cultural communication of future bachelor of tourism in the area of his professional activity. Consequently, this competence is formed within the frames of professional training in the process of learning foreign languages. The formation of the region-oriented communicative competence of future bachelors of tourism is carried out on the base of educational technologies helping to answer the important questions: “what to teach?”, “what to learn?”, “how to teach?”, “by what means to teach?”. Subsequently, this article covers the theoretical aspects of content of teaching foreign languages, structure-procedural aspect – teaching forms, methods and means used for teaching foreign languages and encouraging the effective formation of this competence.

The article considers the principles of communicative-cognitive approach to teaching foreign languages. The author defines the role of a teacher in the foreign communication teaching. The study determined that the formation of region-oriented communicative competence of future bachelors of tourism is being carried out using the traditional methods and information and communicative technologies. Among the traditional teaching methods, the author notes the discussion method, case-study method, and role and business games. The article, when considering information and communicative technologies, analyses the didactic possibilities and the advantage of internet-services – interactive, broadcasting and searching. In particular, it was defined that the use of videoconference allows to not only carry out communication with native speakers but also to organize the distant courses, participate in conferences (regional, international, etc.).

About the authors

Andrei Aleksandrovich Sivukhin

Amur State University, Blagoveschensk

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student, teaching assistant of the Foreign Languages Department



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