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This article studies the issues of formation of professional competence of a bachelor, degree of their professional skill development and comprehension of the profession, necessary training to implement career development. The article presents a review of scientific and educational literature on the concept of professional competence of a bachelor as a degree of professional skill including need, motivational, operational and technical scope of an individual to provide adequate educational training that promotes perception of the necessary knowledge for the realization of one’s own career. The paper highlights the main directions of training in higher education, where due to the rapid changes in technologies and production a trend towards the integration of knowledge becomes of the increasing priority, and the dominant disciplines of the technical cycle to the great extent rely on the basis of various technical and technological disciplines including knowledge and skills, therefore, the integration process becomes complex. The main goal of modeling the formation of professional competence is to determine its structure, contents and essential components (structural, organizational, design, communicative). The author researches specific features of professional competence which include motivational, informative and valuable components. The main focus when designing a model of formation of professional competence is on the process of acquisition by the future specialist the necessary professional knowledge and experience, as well as the ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions in modern technology and production.

About the authors

Irina Nikolaevna Odarych

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

post-graduate student



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