- Authors: Maidankina N.Y.1
- Ulyanovsk Institute of Advanced Studies and Retraining of Teachers, Ulyanovsk
- Issue: No 2-1 (2015)
- Pages: 180-185
- Section: Educational Sciences
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/462
- ID: 462
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The article discusses the concept of “teachers' potential”, conditions for development of the potential in the process of vocational education, development of teachers’ culture of investing in “themselves”, actualization of the potential at the stage of continuous professional activities through the development and implementation of social and educational projects in pre-school organizations (PSO).
The author: a) explores the interpretation of the concept "teacher’s potential" as an integral personal quality, which implies the ability to proceed from the humanistic sense and legal orientation in professional work, to organize an effective professional activity that stimulates initiative, cognitive and social activity, promotes individuality of the person; b) proposes to add to the capacity such a characteristic manifestation of personality as the willingness of the teacher to continuous self-development and investment "in oneself"; c) clarifies the concept "culture of investing in oneself" as a personal representation of a teacher implying awareness of their needs and opportunities for their continuing development at every stage of the life cycle and professional activities in order to achieve a state of congruence (lat. congruens – integrity), comprehensiveness of existence; d) identifies the formation stages of investment culture: a vocational training stage, which involves awareness by a teacher of the needs to develop their own resources and capacities; a step of additional vocational education characterized by the acquisition of professional teaching experience and searching for effective ways to transmit the social experience to students, as well as conditions for actualization of teacher’s potential at PSO including ensuring the selection of specific activities and their proportionate alternation in the course of professional activity; and modeling of the socio-educational environment for the formation of the common culture of children and teachers; d) presents the experience of the teachers innovative activity at PSO "Solnyshko" (Sengiley town) and PSO "Romashka" (village Isheevka) in Ulyanovsk region, showing the model of educational environment aimed at formation of the common culture of children and teachers through implementation of socio-educational projects.
About the authors
Natalya Yurievna Maidankina
Ulyanovsk Institute of Advanced Studies and Retraining of Teachers, Ulyanovsk
Author for correspondence.
Email: maidankina@mail.ru
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