- Authors: Bikalova O.V.1
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- Issue: No 2-1 (2015)
- Pages: 147-150
- Section: Educational Sciences
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/456
- ID: 456
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This article covers the issue of formation of method competence of a university teacher in the frames of use of distance educational technology and introduction of innovations into educational process. Global reforming of Russian national educational system is accompanied by the large-scale introduction of modern educational technologies, the application of which is impossible without competent academic staff able to adapt traditional methods of teaching to the new conditions of the educational systems integration. The article presents the theoretical study relative to the development of interpretation of the “method competence” notion, makes an effort to improve the structure of method competence basing on the competence analysis. The author identified the interrelation of the types of methodological activities and the methodological competence elements, showed the influence of methodological activity on the formation of methods competence of a university teacher. In this context, it is offered to specify within the method competence structure the innovative component to be an independent. The article shows the relation between the methodically proper organized educational courses and the successful application of the distance educational technologies, introduction of the innovations into the educational process that builds up the ensuring of the innovative mobility of the students. The article considers the necessity of having formed method competence of the academic staff, which encourages the integration of science and education and is one of the key indicators of the education quality. The author concentrates on the issue of formation of the method competence of a university teacher when he/she carries out different types of methodological activity, and notes that this problem is not resolved yet and, in this connection, it is greatly attractive for further study.
About the authors
Olga Vladimirovna Bikalova
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
Email: olga-malva-81@ya.ru
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