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The article contains the approach analyses of target program efficiency evaluation on the base of road fund. Taking into consideration of modern methods of target budget program efficiency evaluation, the complex model of road fund efficiency evaluation is developed. The main problems of functioning and road economy specific characteristics according to particular feature categories were identified. Efficiency principles, process periodization of target program efficiency evaluation, criteria and efficiency indicators, efficiency levels are indicated. This model is based on consolidation of budget, social, administrative and economic effects evaluation. To optimize efficiency evaluation of road fund means usage, the main evaluation phases are determined, such as preliminary, estimated productive and final. It is proved that one of the directions connected with effectiveness increase of road fund payout is indicator monitoring characterizing optimal problem solution of their formation, financing and realization. The main approaches of working out methods of target program efficiency evaluation of road fund such as complex, integral and hierarchal-cumulative ones are defined. The certain criteria of efficiency indicators of road fund target programs in account of budget, social, administrative and economic effects are suggested. The article contains some arguments devoted to criteria of efficiency usage of road fund means, which make possible to have the permanent qualitative monitoring of target program realization. The system of indicators and criteria of road fund target program efficiency evaluation, encouraging systemization of different efficiency aspects, which are not exclusive but quite complementary in one complex is suggested. The advantages of road fund means usage in program-target budgeting practice are indicated.

About the authors

Tsolak Meruzhanovich Ovikyan

Ivanovo State Power University, Ivanovo

Author for correspondence.

post-graduate student of the department «Management and Marketing»



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