- Authors: Kazachenko O.V.1
- Moscow City Teacher Training University, Moscow
- Issue: No 2-1 (2015)
- Pages: 96-100
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL:
- ID: 447
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The article examines the reasons of penetration of American and English borrowings into the Russian language. It pays special attention to the role of mass media in imposing foreign words alongside with certain behavior patterns that directly affect Russian cultural constants. The author reviews Russian and foreign literature on the study of this issue. Complete lack of motivation of foreign words does not allow native speakers to determine their conceptual field accurately, and because of it, borrowings have "empty" denotations in the minds of the communicants. Alien cultural settings come with foreign words, and that leads to emergence and penetration of new elements with "alien" culture into the native one. Penetration of loan words is regarded both as a positive and a negative process which is the consequence of unreasoned frequent use of English and American loan words, especially in the youth language. New loan words borrowed from another language are entering the vocabulary of the recipient language being certainly the reflection of and a catalyst of change that have occurred and are occurring in lingual-cultural environment and in Russian society, giving new knowledge which leads to the formation of new attitudes, norms, values and morals. There are three ways in which loan words of another language may affect the vocabulary of the language-recipient: borrowing creates an offset to the content of new and old words, leads to disappearance of old words, and saves both the new and old word, but their meanings become specialized. Under the influence of the mass media, assimilation of borrowed words is accelerating, the words are involved in the processes occurring in the Russian language: deideologization of vocabulary, updating words previously located in the scope of concept, transformation of the semantics, as well as active development of the polysemy of certain lexico-semantic groups. In modern society, the role of media and mass communication is huge, so the intentional introduction of foreign words in public speaking is capable of forming a new social value system destroying the system of norms and rules of the Russian traditional culture.
About the authors
Oksana Vasilyevna Kazachenko
Moscow City Teacher Training University, Moscow
Author for correspondence.
PhD in Philology, associate professor of the Вepartment «Foreign Philology»
- Where to be published or selecting a “good” periodical. URL:
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