- Authors: Rodionov I.K.1
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- Issue: No 2-1 (2015)
- Pages: 47-51
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/438
- ID: 438
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The article presents the experimentally obtained information about the peculiarities of operation of steel roof truss strengthened under the load by means of increase of the section of its fixed columns. The truss was made of angle bend bar with the joining of columns to the gasset plates.
The testing was carried out on the testing facility using the existing equipment. The author used the load in the form of panel load to the top-chord. Stresses in the columns and plates were controlled using the loop strength resistance strain gauges. To fix the offsets of strengthened columns and deflections in the whole truss, the strain flexometers were installed.
Non-strengthened structure was tested before the main testing in order to study the operation of truss before the strengthening.
The following main testing was carried out: strengthening of two rising diagonals and two top-chord panels. Angle bend columns with welded joining according to the “box” scheme were used as the elements of strengthening. The welding was carried out manually by stick electrodes. Welding current and voltage were controlled using the clip-on instrument; the welding speed was measured.
The loading was specified according to the accepted while strengthening each column forcing value. One of the rising diagonals was strengthened by the forcing equal to 0,9 of specified bearing capacity, the other columns by the forcing equal to 0,8 of specified value.
The order of joining was according to the theory conclusions: with the initial applying of end continuous seams within the plates and the following weld facing of joining intermitted seams along the length of the element.
About the authors
Igor Konstantinovich Rodionov
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
Email: riktlt@mail.ru
candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor of the department «Urban Construction and Management»
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