- Authors: Stakhova L.V.1
- Pushkin Leningrad State University, St. Petersburg
- Issue: No 3 (2016)
- Pages: 56-59
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 296
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The paper studies some aspects of the verb semantics from the aspect of a nontraditional approach to researching semantics of linguistic units within morphotopical analysis. The paper analyzes the action verbs, which have the meaning of action as the dominant one. Traditional interpretations of the verbal formative reveal the most common components of verbal semantics, in particular, inclusion of the information about the subject and object of the action into the semantics of the action verb. Morphotopical analysis of a verb reveals a number of features that make up the actional complex.
One of the most characteristic components of the actional complex can be considered an action feature, the presence or absence of which in the semantic structure of the verb enables to select a few semantic classes of action verbs.
The paper considers one of the action verbs class, which semantics does not contain actional feature or contains it only partially, as an intra-object. This class of verbs has been defined as non-object oriented verbs. The quantization procedure of verb semantics of the considered units has been performed on the basis of the morphotopical analysis followed by classification.
The analysis has finally revealed that the non-object oriented verbs form a group of action verbs that includes a few subgroups: non-object oriented verbs themselves; verbs of movement; the verbs that objectify a subject-oriented action (an acting subject acts as a partial object of influence); the verbs that objectify attitude of a subject to the other subject. The subgroup of non-object oriented verbs includes the largest number of units.
About the authors
Larisa Vladimirovna Stakhova
Pushkin Leningrad State University, St. Petersburg
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of practice and theory of translation
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