- Authors: Gurova I.V.1
- Samara State University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Samara
- Issue: No 3 (2016)
- Pages: 23-27
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 290
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The paper gives successively the semantic and structural characteristics of gate-formations of the Russian language on the material of “Dictionary of composites of Contemporary history” of N.V. Gabdreeva, M.T. Gurchiani and the card index of words with -gate element prepared by the author using the method of continuous sampling from All-Russia and regional newspapers, internet-sites, fiction for the period from the 70th of the XX century to the present day. The card index contains 1246 examples: the author defines their denotative sphere; describes the occurring paradigmatic relations; proves the possibility of updating vocabulary of the analyzed dictionary with the gate-formations of sport and science spheres. The author offers her opinion on the necessity of fixation of synonymic rows of political scandals’ names in the dictionary articles: Irangate – contrasgate – Irancontrasgate; Monicagate – Lewinskigate – sexgate – zippergate; Cartergate – bookgate; Reagangate – briefinggate; makes the conclusions on the belonging of words with -gate final to different groups of composites according to the degree of assimilation and cohesion of the components in the Russian language (with first assimilated component and with first unassimilated component represented by transliterated and non-transliterated forms). The author defines the stage when the foreign-language -gate structural element attains the morpheme’s characteristics of the Russian language and illustrates with the examples the functioning of -gate component as some independent lexical unit, in the result of which it attains morphological indices of number and case. The study considers gate-models of composites with assimilated first component of two stages of opening (substantiation): first stage – a model of general view: “a noun + gate”; second stage – a “specified” model (with the account of class belonging) represented by two gate-models: “a proper noun + gate” and “an appellative + gate”.
About the authors
Irina Vladimirovna Gurova
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Samara
Author for correspondence.
senior lecturer of Chair of preschool education
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