- Authors: Reznikov L.A.1, Kasimov A.T.1, Bochkareva I.O.2
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- NISSAN Manufacturing Russia, Saint Petersburg
- Issue: No 3 (2016)
- Pages: 16-20
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 289
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The paper covers the issue of rational application of a tool with Capto shank, as well as the conditions for clearance occurrence in the “tool – tool spindle” joint and the dependence of this clearance on the error of manufacturing a hole in the machine spindle.
The authors carried out the calculations of friction and torsion moment when drilling holes using the tool with standard Morse taper shank and Capto shank. Based on these calculations, the first technical limitation was obtained – the dependence of feed threshold ensuring the absence of drill turning in machine spindle on the tool diameter. Taking into account the maximum value of tangential stresses in the drilling tool, second technical limitation was obtained – the dependence of feed threshold on a drill diameter based on the necessary tool strength. These technical limitations were used as a principle to define the areas of rational application of standard tool shanks (Morse taper shank in particular) and Capto shank.
Using the analytic geometry method, the geometry of Capto joint was analyzed and the areas of maximum clearance occurrence in a joint were identified. At a first approximation, the cross section of a joint was displayed as the triangles with rounded corners and the joint total manufacturing error was referred to the vertex angle of a spindle hole. It allowed proving mathematically the area of maximum clearance occurrence and identifying the dependence of maximum clearance on the error of manufacturing a hole in the tool spindle.
About the authors
Lev Aronovich Reznikov
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Engineering), assistant professor of Chair “Equipment and Technology of Engineering Production”
РоссияArtem Tagirovich Kasimov
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
student of Chair “Equipment and Technology of Engineering Production”
РоссияIrina Olegovna Bochkareva
NISSAN Manufacturing Russia, Saint Petersburg
Chassis Senior Engineer
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