- Authors: Kazakova I.N.1
- Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk
- Issue: No 2 (2017)
- Pages: 108-112
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 248
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The paper analyzes the verbal behavior of the television presenter A. Maksimov in the program “Observer” (TV-channel “Russia – Culture”), in particular, the set of language means used by him, which allows the presenter to implement the strategic goals in the terms of the whole air. The specific author’s role in the organization of the program dialogue is noted: the author’s (TV presenter’s) skill and intentions influence the possibility to achieve the main objective of an interview – obtaining the information. The analysis of factual material shows that the air by air, A. Maksimov uses the set of one and the same language means that reflect his author’s style. This set consists of speech structures, which complement each other and have the functionality that became the reason to consider the whole combination of the author’s speech structures as the strategic model. The unit of the study of the author’s speech representation is the speech structures – the elements of verbal-semantic level of the linguistic persona that serve as the signals of what happens on the higher levels of its organization: they reflect the value system of an individual, set the pragmatic vectors determining the strategy of communicative behavior. The author describes in detail the speech structures organizing the dialogue at the beginning, during the main part and at the end of the program. Special attention is paid to the speech structures in the main part that is the conceptual and compositional center of the author’s strategic model and, at the same time, its most complex component as it reveals the main skill of the interviewer – to control the narration development not allowing the interlocutor to switch to related matters and topics. Moreover, the author considers the language means allowing A. Maksimov to implement set goals and objectives while organizing the dialogue professionally according to the topic and general concept.
About the authors
Irina Nikolaevna Kazakova
Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk
Author for correspondence.
senior lecturer of Chair of Russian language and teaching methodologies
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