- Authors: Yakovlev A.V.1, Fedorov V.A.1, Pluzhnikova T.N.1, Fedotov D.Y.1, Berezner A.D.1
- Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov
- Issue: No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 156-162
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 203
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The influence of isochronous annealing and the influence of deformation of creep in the changing temperature field on the magnetic properties of the amorphous cobalt-based metallic alloys are studied. The authors determined the values of coercive fields and saturation magnetization after these treatments and depending on the elemental composition. The studied alloys in the initial state are soft magnetic alloys with the narrow hysteresis loop. The study detected the tendency to increase in the coercive field value when the annealing temperature approaches the Curie temperature. On the example of AMAG 180 alloy, it is shown that, at the beginning, the saturation magnetization value decreases monotonically with the decrease by 20 %, and then, within the temperature range from 373 K to 443 K, its sharp decrease with the clearly defined minimum at the temperature of 443 K is observed. With the further annealing temperature increase, the alloy demonstrates the increase in the saturation magnetization value, which may be associated with the fact that given alloy does not achieve Curie temperature. It is noted that with the increase in cobalt content and the change in the ratio of ferrum, nickel and manganese concentrations, the increase in the coercive field value is observed in all studied alloys. It was found that the increase in the base content to the concentration of 78.8 % leads to the decrease in the saturation magnetization value. In the case of the further increase in base content and the change in the ratio of ferrum, nickel and manganese concentrations, the tendency to further decrease in the saturation magnetization value is observed. It is determined that it is possible to decrease the values of coercive field and the saturation magnetization in the alloys under the study by means of deformation of creep in the changing temperature field. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to speak about the possibility of controlling the magnetic properties of a particular amorphous material using annealing and mechanical loading.
About the authors
Aleksey Vladimirovich Yakovlev
Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of Pedagogy and Educational Technologies
РоссияViktor Aleksandrovich Fedorov
Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov
Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, professor of Chair of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Honored master of sciences
РоссияTatyana Nikolaevna Pluzhnikova
Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov
PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
РоссияDmitriy Yurievich Fedotov
Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov
assistant of Chair of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
РоссияArseniy Dmitrievich Berezner
Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov
postgraduate student of Chair of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
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