- Authors: Kosynkina S.E.1, Yagovkin G.N.2, Freze T.Y.2
- Samara State Technical University, Samara
- Togliatti State University, Tolyatti
- Issue: No 1 (2017)
- Pages: 59-62
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 270
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The paper considers the social and psychological motivation for decision-making to address a risk during the activity. The authors determined that the process of making decisions by an employee when identifying the situation hazards is the key process at all levels of the information processing and mental regulation in the process of their professional activity. The main steps of the process of motivation for making decisions to eliminate hazards during the employees’ professional activity are listed and the structure of making motivational decisions is specified. The authors determined that the structure and mechanisms of making decisions during the employees’ professional activities were not consistently universal at various levels of mental reflection. At the same time, the relation of decision-making is ambiguous and the motivational decision-making is a form of mental activity. Based on the common model of decision-making motivation, the authors developed the socio-psychological model of the formation of motivation for safe activity. The developed model involves five stages; each of them is described in details. The authors specified the conditions of the problem awareness and disclosed the reasons causing the necessity to improve safety indicators. The authors describe the types of search behavior and the factors that may affect the external search of information, present the list of factors influencing the process of social and psychological motivation for safe activity. It is determined that the basic conditions for the social and psychological component of forming the relations in the sphere of safety are the creation of stable motivational field. Whereas, this field is composed of the personal attitude of an employee towards his or her health and the degree of development of attitudes towards the safety ensuring in the sphere of professional activity.
About the authors
Svetlana Eduardovna Kosynkina
Samara State Technical University, Samara
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Pedagogy), engineer of Chair “Life safety”
РоссияGerman Nikolaevich Yagovkin
Togliatti State University, Tolyatti
Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, professor of Chair “Management of industrial and environmental safety”
РоссияTatiana Yurievna Freze
Togliatti State University, Tolyatti
PhD (Economics), assistant professor of Chair “Management of industrial and environmental safety”
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