- Authors: Nescoromniy S.V.1, Panov Y.V.1
- Don State Technical University
- Issue: No 1 (2018)
- Pages: 52-59
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 89
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The necessity to manufacture metal structures from non-ferrous metals in one- and heterogeneous combinations is the critical task at the production site. The main constraints when welding fasteners to hull details from non-ferrous metals are the polythickness of the elements leading to uneven heat input and heat dissipation, the difference in electrical and thermophysical properties, as well as the probability of intermetallic phases’ formation due to the mutual diffusion of atoms of the near-surface layers during the dissolution processes and phase transformations.
The analysis of the structural design of equipment components and the difficulties in their production showed that it is necessary to form the welded joint mainly in the solid phase using the highly-concentrated pulsed energy sources. To create physical contact of the parts to be connected, high-voltage capacitor welding with the induction-dynamic drive (HVCW with IDD) can best meet the requirements.
The authors proposed the technique to calculate the parameters of the process of welding fasteners from non-ferrous metals to the hull structures sheet elements. The essence of the process of HVCW with IDD was considered. The paper presents its energy parameters and geometric parameters of the assembly affecting the quality of the welded joint.
The previous theoretical analysis of the HVCW process, the experimental studies and design investigations of the HVCW devices allowed developing a scientifically grounded algorithm for calculating and selecting the parameters of the technological process and the equipment for its implementation. The algorithm provides for two stages of its implementation. At the first stage, the temporary options of the process are calculated. At the second stage, the parameters of the equipment and tools satisfying the condition of solid-phase volume interaction are calculated and selected. Based on the data obtained, the selection of equipment components with the tooling and the subsequent adjustment of welding parameters taking into account the course of the processes in solid phase are carried out.
To reduce the complexity of calculations, software that will allow determining the parameters of the HVCW process, the energy and frequency characteristics of equipment and tooling was developed.
About the authors
S. V. Nescoromniy
Don State Technical University
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor
РоссияYu. V. Panov
Don State Technical University
senior lecturer
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