- Authors: Kuvshinov V.V.1, Krit B.L.2, Morozova N.V.3, Kukushkin D.Y.2, Savkin A.V.2
- Sevastopol State University
- Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
- Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education
- Issue: No 1 (2018)
- Pages: 36-42
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 87
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The authors carried out the analysis of the operating modes of photoelectric converters used for solar stations and intended for work both as a part of a unified energy system and for individual consumers needs. It is determined that to increase power characteristics of solar stations photocells, it is very efficient to apply solar concentrators of special de-signs. At the same time, it complicates the equipment significantly, as it is associated with the necessity to equip photoelectric station with the additional systems of tracking and positioning against the sun. In this paper, to concentrate solar irradiation, the authors offered to use the modifying of the photocells receiving surface by depositing a coating of silver nanoparticles produced by the pulse spark dispergation method. The results of the experiments showed that silver nanoclusters deposited on the surface and playing the role of plasmonic particles promote the increase in the number of photons participating in the photoelectric process at the constant stream of incident solar radiation. It allowed improving considerably power characteristics of the regular photoelectric converters used when assembling the industrial photoelectric modules for network power plants. The increase in the nanocoated photocells power grew by an average of 20 %, at the same time, even in the case of lateral incidence of solar irradiation on their working surface, the photoconverters power characteristics were close to the theoretical values, unlike the solar elements without coating.
The data obtained will promote the improvement of indices and the increase of efficiency of photo-energy plants and devices of different purpose not increasing the area of their receiving surface that will widen significantly the sphere of solar power plants application.
About the authors
V. V. Kuvshinov
Sevastopol State University
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Engineering), assistant professor of Chair “Renewables and Electric Systems and Networks”
РоссияB. L. Krit
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor of Chair “Technologies of Production of Devices and Information Systems for Aircraft Control”
РоссияN. V. Morozova
Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education
PhD (Pedagogics), assistant professor of Chair “Medical Equipment”
РоссияD. Yu. Kukushkin
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
assistant of Chair “Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Nanotechnologies”
РоссияA. V. Savkin
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
PhD (Engineering), assistant professor of Chair “Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Nanotechnologies”
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