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The relevance of the chosen issue is in the fact that the role of information is steadily growing in the modern world, and a financial situation of an organization depends on the way how financial statements are prepared and assessed. The quality and timeliness of economic information have a direct impact of the business success of entrepreneurial activity in the environment of a market economy, which can be expressed in the profit and the capital increase. This correspondingly makes an influence on the organization’s financial situation. This article examines the nature and content of the accounting financial statements, as well as how to read the information contained in the accounting statements and make relevant and correct conclusions, as this is a high priority task when analyzing a financial situation of commercial structures. These are the results of the analysis that allow to make relevant conclusions and develop a set of recommendations for improving the financial and economic activity of the enterprise and forming its financial resources.

The importance of calculation the net assets indicator is stressed, as it allows to assess objectively both the net worth of the enterprise, and its financial situation. Four stages of the analysis of the enterprise financial statements are given. A set of actions on improvement of the enterprise financial satiation is provided and studied in details. It allows to notice timely and makes work not only external, but also intraproductive reserves, and also improves financial strategy of the enterprise. The importance of this work lies in the fact that in a crisis situation the enterprise has to reduce the volume of production, and the assessment of the actual situation provides an opportunity to develop timely actions on the anti-crisis strategy implementation and the enterprise development.

About the authors

Nelia Anatolyevna Yaryginа

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of the Department «Accounting, Analysis and Audit»



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