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The article deals with the questions of party discipline as one of organizational principles of the ruling political party of the USSR. The Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) – The All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (R.C.P.(b) – V.C.P.(b)) paid a great attention to those principles in the 1920s. The authority of the party depended on the mode of action and behavioral culture of rank-and-file party activists and senior party members. The present paper shows the negative facts that existed in the party nomenklatura environment and were a consequence of the changes in the social composition of the party's ranks, the adverse economic conditions in the country and also the lack of an effective mechanism of control by higher authorities. The  Bolshevik party relied on such numerous social groups as the proletariat and the peasantry. Low educational level, lack of competence in solving serious political questions, acquisitiveness and careerism of some party members turned them into grasping people with the petty-bourgeois psychology with their growing demands. The problem had become widespread. To solve it Control Commissions (CC) were formed in 1920 first at the nation-wide level and then at the local level. The paper suggests a case study of Udmurtia presenting some negative developments such as violation of an established order, norms and rules by the senior party members in the period under study. It also analyzes the reasons and methods of reducing malfeasance of the administrative staff. However, as the author concludes, all the party's activities aimed at improving the administrative staff machinery often were not able to provide adequate impact on the breakers of the party's discipline. Personal and corporate interests of the politicians and their desire to improve their material status were more important than the communist ideals declared by the party.

About the authors

Faina Nikolaevna Kharina

Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhevsk

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student



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  2. Shvets I.A., ed. Slovar po partiynomu stroitelstvu [Dictionary of Party Building]. Moscow, Politizdat publ., 1987, 366 p.
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  4. The Documentation Centre of the Contemporary History of the Udmurt Republic (CDNH UR). F. 16. In. 1. File 8.
  5. CDNH UR. F. 16. In. 1. File 143.
  6. CDNH UR. F. 14. In. 1. File 418.
  7. CDNH UR. F. 14. In. 1. File 438.
  8. CDNH UR. F. 16. In. 1. File 150.
  9. CDNH UR. F. 16. In. 1. File 306.
  10. CDNH UR. F. 14. In. 1. File 128.
  11. CDNH UR. F. 14 In. 1. File 140.
  12. CDNH UR. F. 16. In. 1. File 189.
  13. CDNH UR. F. 16. In. 1. File 335.
  14. CDNH UR. F. 14. In. 1. File 608.
  15. CDNH UR. F. 16. In. 1. File 466.
  16. CDNH UR. F. 16. In. 1. File 487.
  17. CDNH UR. F. 16. In. 1. File 308.
  18. CDNH UR. F. 16. In. 1. File 309.
  19. CDNH UR. F. 16. In. 1. File 169.
  20. CDNH UR. F. 16. In. 1. File 465.
  21. CDNH UR. F. 14. In. 1. File 378а.
  22. CDNH UR. F. 16. In. 1. File 494.
  23. CDNH UR. F. 16. In. 1. File 703.

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