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The article analyzes the opinions of foreign and Russian researchers on the effective local government activities as the main factor of competitiveness of the territory. Other factors affecting competitiveness of the territory are defined. The article gives the initial estimation of competitiveness of municipal units of the Republic of Mordovia on the basis of migration processes taking place on the territory. The author has carried out detailed analysis of the socio-economic situation of intraregional areas by means of systematization and evaluation of development for more than fifty indicators grouped into blocks. The result of the analysis is the rating of municipal units in the Republic of Mordovia in terms of socio-economic development. The article describes the algorithm for calculating the complex index of the local government efficiency, stipulated by the official methodology for efficiency evaluating. The rating of municipal units of the Republic of Mordovia is given as the result of a comprehensive evaluation of the efficiency compiled by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Mordovia. The author compares the results of the research of municipalities’ competitiveness, their level of socio-economic development and evaluation of the local government efficiency by dividing the area into zones depending on their ranking. The areas with consistently high, medium and low level in all fields of evaluation are revealed. Conclusions about the degree of influence of the effective local government activities on the territorial development are backed by mathematical calculation of the probability for the areas to get into the same zone on the considered estimates. The article gives characteristics to the official methodology for estimating the local government efficiency from the perspective of the impact of municipal authorities on the development of the area. The author also proposes some recommendations for improving the methodology for efficiency evaluation.

About the authors

Tatyana Sergeevna Presnyakova

Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of the Department «State and Municipal Management»



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