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There is a variety of definitions of category "innovation" in the economic literature; various scholars interpret it in a different way. The author of the article has made an attempt to examine the concept of innovation with a theoretical approach. Some authors suggest examining and using the terms “new” and “innovation” interchangeably, meaning a launch of a new product, introduction of a new production method, or the use of a new form of business organization.

The article considers innovative process which is a sequence of certain regulated operations within innovation activity.

Currently, the Russian economy is characterized by the enhanced role of innovative process to improve the quality of economic growth and sustainable development of the regions and the entire country. This study reveals the main problems that affect the innovation activity of business entities. The article cites an excerpt from the Strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, where all the threats have been justified; the objectives, priorities and instruments of the national innovation policy have been defined.

It also determines which factors of economic growth are affected by innovation activity of economic entities.

In the course of economic changes, innovation system in some way has been destroyed, and the new system adequate to nowadays economic development has not been formed yet, which is largely due to the shortage of investment in innovation. Overcoming of the current situation is not possible without a comprehensive national policy that fosters innovation, formation of organizational and legal conditions for the resumption of a new innovation process and for attraction and supporting of domestic investors.

About the authors

Olga Aleksandrovna Evstigneeva

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

candidate of economical sciences, Assistant Professor of Department «Finance and Credit»



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