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The article offers an analysis of the younger generation spiritual and moral values formation in the educational space of a higher education institution, the interconnection of universal and nationally marked cultural values, ethnopedagogization of a higher education institution, its humanitarization and humanization as the major and most important form of spirituality revival.

The article deals with the issue of the importance of introducing young people to cultural traditions and values of the nation, summarizes the existing pedagogical experience in introduction of fundamental national humanistic ideas and values, covers the relevance and importance of the ethnocultural component introduction into the education process in a higher education institution, which is conditioned by the modern young people’s alienation from cultural values and traditions of their ancestors that can result in the loss of national self-identification.

The author offers to solve this problem by introducing ideas and traditions that are inherent in a certain culture in the educational process. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance the teachers’ ethnopedagogical competence through the system of continuing education. Ethnopedagogical ideas have an impact on the formation of a future teacher’s personality in the conditions of modern society.

Phenomena of humanitarization and humanization of the pedagogical process are examined along with the ethnocultural component. A merger of these components facilitates the most efficient formation of a spiritually and morally developed personality. Humanitarization and humanization allow to form a truly poly-cultural pluralism. At the same time, humanitarization has to be flexible enough to consider the ethnocultural component. The merger of humanistic ideas and humanitarian values and ethnic concepts in the educational process are considered to be the optimal way of spiritual and moral values formation in students of higher education institutions.

About the authors

Marina Konstantinovna Epkhieva

North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov, Vladikavkaz

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department



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