- Authors: Dolgova V.I.1
- Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk
- Issue: No 1 (2015)
- Pages: 234-239
- Section: Educational Sciences
- URL:
- ID: 540
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The article reveals the character of value attitude transformation of the innovation activity subject in the context of its psychological and pedagogical follow-up. For this purpose a special programme of targeted psychological and pedagogical interaction has been used in the dyad “psychologist-innovator” as well as psychodiagnostic techniques for research of a personality according to the following methods: “Diagnostics of social and psychological attitudes of a personality in motivational and need sphere” (O.F. Potiomkina); “Life-purpose orientations” adapted by D.A. Leontiev; “Motivation towards success” (T. Ehlers).
The psychologist’s activity within the programme of trainings of targeted psychological and pedagogical interaction has been organized with the account of the following principles: humanism, confidentiality, competence, and responsibility. The programme has been developed for the managers of educational institutions (age: 30-45 years), number of people – 20, classes once per week for 40-60 minutes long, total – 10 hours.
In the structure of the trainings various forms and techniques have been used, such as discussion, pair work, small group work, psychological game, visualization, situational role-playing, and projective methods for diagnostics of emotional sphere.
As a result, the authors have been able to alter the testees’ attitudes towards altruism, orientation to monetary reward and commitment to labour and freedom. The number of the managers with a low level of motivation towards success decreased twice; an average medium high level of manifestation of motivation towards success has increased, and the extremely high level decreased. Stability of life-purpose orientations of the managers has changed (high and medium levels have become more apparent and frequent; low level has become less evident). To prove the significance of differences, mathematical processing of the data has been made according to T-criterion of Wilcoxon. The performed research confirmed the tendency of change in value attitudes of the innovation activity subject.
About the authors
Valentina Ivanovna Dolgova
Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Dean
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