- Authors: Gordeyev A.V.1
- Tolyatti State University, Tolyatti
- Issue: No 1 (2015)
- Pages: 229-233
- Section: Educational Sciences
- URL:
- ID: 539
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Teaching of technical creativity methodology is studied in two aspects – competence-based and methodical. In the course of training technical creativity, first of all, future engineers acquire ability to create new technical solutions, and secondly, they are provided with more thorough comprehensibility of the main subjects of an educational program.
Ability to reveal and solve technical and physical contradictions and on this base to develop progressive technical solutions in the studied area is the cornerstone of creative competence formation. A special algorithm is developed for identification of contradictions. Contradictions are resolved by means of certain methods. The most effective for the solution of technical tasks in the field of mechanical engineering technology are such methods as: division of contradictions in time and in space, material-field analysis, including that one performed on the basis of use of physical effects and the phenomena, empirical rules of conflicts resolution.
The methodical aspect is that studying of main disciplines can be carried out at three levels: informational – when ready technical solutions are given, optimization – when parameters of the studied object are optimized in the given solutions, and creative – when subjectively new decisions are created in the course of studying the material. Studying of material at the creative level promotes development of student’s independence in thinking which facilitates deeper comprehensibility of material.
When studying the main subjects, the specified approaches are applied not necessarily in pure form. Practice has shown that the most interesting, considered and effective technical solutions are found through application of both creative and optimization approaches because creative approach allows to receive basic technical solution, and optimization – to design its particular implementation corresponding to the preset conditions, for example, in the term paper and final project.
The goal of the article is to show that training of technical creative work methodology forms the ability to create new technical solutions at the level of inventions and facilitates students’ comprehensibility of the contents of the main subjects.
About the authors
Aleksandr Vladimirovich Gordeyev
Tolyatti State University, Tolyatti
Author for correspondence.
candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor
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