- Authors: Gluzman N.A.1, Nezhenskaya T.V.1
- Yevpatoriya Institute of Social Sciences, branch of Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadksy, Yevpatoriya
- Issue: No 1 (2015)
- Pages: 218-224
- Section: Educational Sciences
- URL:
- ID: 537
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In the paper the authors investigate the theoretical aspects of task approach in the training of future primary school teachers. Typical characteristics of various types of educational pedagogical problems of higher education have been analyzed. The authors determine the main goal of the research as an attempt to evaluate the system of pedagogical tasks as a didactic means of formation of the future primary school teachers’ professional competence. Objectives taxonomy is outlined in terms of knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The authors define the concept of a "system of pedagogical tasks". The complex of problems system is divided into the following groups of tasks: analysis, design, control and assessment. Organization of students' cognitive activity, formation of incentives for teachers’ creativity, gradual professional and intellectual complication of pedagogical tasks, organizational and methodical aspects of teaching activities enhancement at primary school, organizational and methodical aspects of modular education take part in design of pedagogical problems system.
The authors specify some types of educational tasks which are aimed at development of professional skills (informational and textual, operationally practical, projective-modeling, and heuristic-problem), and their connection with various kinds of pedagogical problems in terms of a student who is solving those pedagogical tasks, and in terms a teacher who is projecting the tasks.
The unity of pedagogical problems system is emphasized by its integrity, hierarchy and structure. The main components, principles and framework for implementing educational tasks have been defined on the basis of the study. The authors highlight the conceptual provisions of pedagogical tasks as a means of forming the future primary school teachers’ professional skills. The article shows its role in the formation of professional skills of the students specializing in primary education (educational program 44.03.01 "Pedagogical education", training profile "Primary education").
About the authors
Nelya Anatolevna Gluzman
Yevpatoriya Institute of Social Sciences, branch of Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadksy, Yevpatoriya
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of department «Primary and Preschool Education Methods»
РоссияTatyana Viktorovna Nezhenskaya
Yevpatoriya Institute of Social Sciences, branch of Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadksy, Yevpatoriya
junior lecturer of department «Primary and Preschool Education Methods»
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