- Authors: Tarakanov V.P.1, Vakhnina V.V.1, Kuvshinov A.A.1
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- Issue: No 1 (2015)
- Pages: 36-40
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL:
- ID: 503
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The article deals with the problem of compensation abnormal current and voltage harmonics caused by the asymmetry parameter switching circuits of multi-bridge converter. Unlike circuit inductance switching between phases and individual gating bridges of multi-bridge converter (for example, when using transformers with a compound Gate windings star, triangle, zigzag or triangle with the continuation of the parties) is really appreciable asymmetry, leading to the appearance of the input current and output voltage harmonics disturbance not peculiar to the idealized mode. The conditions to minimize the disturbance of the rectified voltage harmonics caused by inequality inductive loop resistance switching two series-connected rectifier bridges twelve-converter by artificially introduced asymmetry in the corners of the control, and evaluate the effectiveness of technical implementation.
The dependencies that determine the condition of minimizing disturbance harmonics of the output voltage and input current twelve-converter circuits caused by inequality circuits switching valve bridge.
A relationship makes it possible to control multi-bridge converter by introducing correction in the corners of the control valve of the bridge, which reduces the level of harmonic disturbances in the output voltage and input current twelve-converter due to the asymmetry parameter circuit switching valve of individual bridges.
Payment abnormal harmonics caused by the asymmetry parameter, can be accomplished by the introduction of the control system further channel converter that adjusts the angles of the control valve bridge, realizing the condition of minimization.
The simplicity and efficiency of the test method is sufficient compensation on the basis of the signal correction angle control valve bridges through the use of the most accessible technical implementation parameters as feedback signals determine the appropriateness of its use in the equivalent circuit of the converter for different purposes and can improve their electromagnetic compatibility with the supply system.
About the authors
Vycheslav Pavlovich Tarakanov
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
candidate of technical sciences, docent of the «Department of electricity supply and Electrotechnology»
РоссияVera Vasilievna Vakhnina
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the chair «Department of electricity supply and Electrotechnology»
РоссияAleksey Alekseevich Kuvshinov
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Doctor of the technical sciences, professor «Department of electricity supply and Electrotechnology»
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