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The process of thread cutting is characterized by more unfavorable factors of cutting process than traditional continuous turning. In this connection, the minimization of these factors influence on cutting tool and, consequently, the improvement of its working ability, is the relevant objection. One of the ways of improvement of the cutting tool working ability is the application of wear-resistant coatings on its working surfaces; that is why the evaluation of influence of wear-resistant coatings compound on the thermal condition of the cutting tool is the important task while developing new more effective wear-resistant coatings compounds. The article gives the results of study of thermal condition of threading tool with one- and multi-elements of nitride coatings (TiN, TiCrN и TiCrZrN) which were applied on the turning thread planes of full profile by the substance condensation in vacuum using the ionic bombardment. The article shows the influence of scheme of thread cutting on the contact characteristics of the cutting process. The article provides the results of finding the contact characteristics of the screw cutting process and thermal condition of turning screw tools with different coatings. It shows the influence of tapping scheme and anti-wear coatings on temperature fields in cutting threaded wedge cutters, and heat balance of screw cutting process. Based on the results of the research, the authors suggest new durable coatings of multi-element and multilayer architecture.

About the authors

Vladimir Petrovich Tabakov

Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Ulyanovsk


Doctor of Engineering, Professor


Damir Ildarovich Sagitov

Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Ulyanovsk

Author for correspondence.

candidate of technical sciences



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