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This article describes approaches to building an individual management conception of the head of a pre-school educational institution. The concept of administrative activity of the head is built on the basis of process, systematic and synergetic approaches. Each approach has been described, and positive aspects of their implementation have been outlined. Use of these approaches allows the author to consider an individual management concept (activity) of the director as an element of primary importance in the chain of innovative reforms which take place in modern preschool educational institutions. It turns out to be an integral managed system in the unity of its targets and structural components which are connected with each other and the external environment. The article reveals various aspects of a personality, and defines the structure of management activity. The process approach assumes that management leader focused on achieving specific goals of the organization that provides planning, motivation and control. The main disadvantage of this approach is that management activity is concentrated only on the internal problems of the organization, although solving problems does not always bring success. Thus, the management process cannot be focused only on the internal problems of the institution, but should be focused primarily on the goals set by the managers. System approach to management activities allows considering it as a system, providing it with a relation with other systems, and increasing their efficiency and effectiveness. To determine the management conception it is important to apply synergetic approach. Attempts to give the definition of the management conception of the director can be made with the help of synergy. A synergetic approach to building the management conception of director as a complex system requires activity of this system, i.e. the activity of the supervisor. In addition, synergistic approach substantiates the importance of considering our system through its components. To build the management conception of director, the author tries to combine process, systematic and synergetic approaches which allow them to select the content of management activity that helps the system to evolve and determine its strategy. The article presents a model of individual management concept of the head of a pre-school educational institution; its main function is to describe objectives, contents and principles of increasing the management competence of the director and professional awareness of the teaching staff. The author offers individual routes of director of a preschool educational institution. Special attention is paid to the principles and directions of educational policy of the institutions, including pre-school educational institutions.

About the authors

Olga Vitalievna Dybina

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the department «Pre-school Pedagogics and Psychology»



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