- Authors: Sharov N.F.1
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- Issue: No 2-1 (2015)
- Pages: 138-143
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL:
- ID: 455
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The article examines the characteristics of knowledge as a complex entity. It emphasizes the link between scientific knowledge and the whole sophisticated process of working with knowledge as a multifunctional phenomenon. The author analyzes opportunities of the knowledge and the requirements for it; considers various aspects and specifics of work with texts in science and education; draws attention to the peculiarities of their vision, understanding and application; shows their methodical and methodological instrumentality. Orientation base of the knowledge includes scientific and methodological features expressed through the actions of a writer (speaker) and a reader (listener) who studies the problem (topic). Practical influence depends on the sequence and completeness of implementation of what is presented in the scientific and methodological variant of the orientation base of knowledge expressed in the scientific and methodological text, through desobjectivation of the text and at the same time its internalization by the student (students).
Methodological support and ensuring is an integral and complex requirement of the development, both educational process and programming factor of development of education at its all levels. As a social and cultural process, education is represented in a transfer model of communication. The cognitive nature of education can not function and express itself without taking into account the subject-subject relation, cooperation in training activity. Educational and cognitive activity as cultural-educational activity proves that education, especially science education, creates value of cultural order, both in its results, and in the acts of cognitive educational attitude where the role and nature of the scientific and methodological text is presented. The society develops itself cognitively, therefore, develops and improves cognitive practices that are described in different theories. The article considers the cognitive practices in several scopes: formation of cognitive practices (we are interested in science and education); social value and specific cognitive practices; interaction of cognitive practices; and finally, particular forms, mechanisms that make up the cognitive practice, organization and peculiarities of functioning in cognitive areas (science, education).
About the authors
Nikolay Fiodorovich Sharov
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Professor of the department «History and Philosophy»
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