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The article deals with the linguistic status of a subject in various genres of juridical discourse; analyzes the linguistic means which are involved in verbalization of the speaking subject. The author emphasizes that the subject can be verbalized in different ways in juridical discourse depending on its involvement in the discourse expert community. The author reevaluates the established in discourse-analysis point of view on the juridical discourse as an institutional form of communication only, specifying its status with the account of modern linguistics achievements. On the base of analysis the author distinguishes between two types of subjects in legal discourse – an I-subject and an institutional subject. The author notes that an I-subject is verbalized explicitly in discourse, not being at the back of impersonal constructions, while an institutional subject “masks” its personality for the sake of objectiveness of stated information, follows the discourse community conventions. The author distinguishes the linguistic means involved in the speaking subject positioning. They are as follows: first person subject pronouns, proper name, institutional role subject name, impersonal constructions. The graded subject representation in English and Russian legal discourse is considered as the interlingual and intercultural trends. The research is based on the achievements of theory of postmodernism (М. Foucault, R. Barthes, G. Deleuze et al.) and anthropocentrism (Yu. S. Stepanov, E. Benveniste, E.S. Kubryakova et al.) as well as on discourse analysis (V.I. Karasik, A.M. Kaplunenko, S.N. Plotnikova, E.F. Serebrennikova, E.I. Sheigal, J. Swales et al.).

About the authors

Olga Aleksandrovna Krapivkina

Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk

Author for correspondence.
Email: koa1504@mail.ru

candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department



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