- Authors: Ryabinova E.N.1, Zhukova E.I.2
- Samara State Technical University, Samara
- Samara State University of Railways, Samara
- Issue: No 3-2 (2015)
- Pages: 317-322
- Section: Educational Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 383
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The paper considers the issue of importance to form professional reliability of a person as a future specialist at the classes on physical education. To secure professional reliability of a person is one of the main objectives in labour psychology which becomes the most important in the professions related to the increased requirements to a person, high cost of the error, responsibility, extreme conditions, health and life risk. The authors define professional reliability of a person as an integrative feature of an individual possessing certain characteristics. One of the modern trends to ensure reliability of the professional identity is linked to the development of health programs, which are based on the organization of living and working space.
A theoretical analysis of regulatory documents and applied research of professional activity of graduates allow the authors to develop and implement a workbook into educational process as a means of self-formation of the individual’s professional reliability. It includes a set of tests, evaluation tests, health monitoring which allows the students to analyze changes in the body, both physical and mental performance, and is aimed to explore and assess the performance of professionally important personal qualities of the students. The designed workbook for students’ self-control also contains information and recommendations on implementation of the healthy lifestyle principles in order to improve and maintain health. Fixing one’s health data, physical fitness and development, the student can analyze the changes in the physical and psychological state of the organism. Based on these indicators and recommendations one can objectively assess the level of one’s health to take measures in advance to restore the body after work by means and methods of physical culture.
Regular analysis of the workbook generates the habit of self-control in students of senior courses and makes them more attentive to their health through development of their functional status and health of the body which, in its turn, contributes to creating a favorable functional background of future specialist’s life, forming the necessary qualities of professional reliability of the person in the chosen profession.
About the authors
Elena Nikolayevna Ryabinova
Samara State Technical University, Samara
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair “Higher Mathematics and Applied Informatics”
РоссияElena Igorevna Zhukova
Samara State University of Railways, Samara
Assistant Professor of the Chair «Physical Education and Sport»
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