- Authors: Zhukovsky V.P.1, Zhukovskaya N.A.1
- Saratov Regional Institute of Education Development, Saratov
- Issue: No 3-2 (2015)
- Pages: 300-304
- Section: Educational Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 380
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The paper presents theoretical analysis of a problem of education quality in the system of teachers’ additional vocational education, and considers methodological approaches to research of the essence and contents of this phenomenon. The area of teachers’ additional vocational education (training and retraining), representing one of the most important levels of education, is the institutional tool that allows realizing the needs of the teaching staff individual in the formation of competence to perform their professional functions in modern society with a focus on the future development of education sector. The research related to evaluation of the quality of education, development and implementation of mechanisms to ensure comprehensive monitoring of the effectiveness and success of professional and pedagogical activities for prompt adjustment of the educational development in the system of additional vocational training in the conditions of modern socio-cultural realities is a priority, and is consistent with the leading trends of the social relationship. Analytical survey presented by definitional interpretations given by the researchers of the quality assessment in education allows speaking about its versatility and systematic nature, the necessity to take into account peculiarities of educational environment and activity of its subjects, influence of external factors as well as inner potential of an educational organization.
Emphasis on considering the concept of "quality education", taking into account procedural and productive characteristics of the educational activities and the need for the organization of the management quality of education in its structural elements represented by the terms of the organization of educational activities, the implementation of additional professional programs and the results of their development. The emphasis is placed on consideration of the concept "education quality" regarding procedural and productive characteristics of the educational activity and the necessity of the organization to work on quality management of education in its structural elements presented by the conditions of the educational activity organization, implementation of additional vocational training programs and their outcomes. Education quality control as a component of quality management provides an assessment of structural elements of quality of education and is carried out systemically at all hierarchical levels of management of the educational organization. In the functional aspect, quality control of additional vocational education allows to cover all aspects of educational process, to define efficiency of implementation of the accepted model of professional development and professional retraining of teachers, to direct the organizational and pedagogical vector of additional vocational training system to ensure the compliance of all its constituent subjects to qualifying standards.
About the authors
Vladimir Petrovich Zhukovsky
Saratov Regional Institute of Education Development, Saratov
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Sciences (Education), Professor
РоссияNina Alexandrovna Zhukovskaya
Saratov Regional Institute of Education Development, Saratov
Ph.D (Pedagogy)
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