- Authors: Silin R.I.1, Tret’ko V.V.1, Gordeev A.I.1
- Khmelnytskyi National University, Khmelnytskyi
- Issue: No 3-1 (2015)
- Pages: 123-128
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/372
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18323/2073-5073-2015-3-123-128
- ID: 372
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Abrasive grinding takes the important place among various methods of mechanical treatment which provide meeting the requirements to the surface layer quality, shape and dimensions accuracy of the treated surface; and the use of vibration grinding method is considered to be the most advanced.
The authors offered the design of resonant vibration machine with magnetic actuator of circular translational vibrations of laps in flatness. Basing on the fact that the vibration isolators’ hardness is rather weak and they are located in the system close to the point which vibrations are equal to zero, the authors made a supposition that it is possible not to take into account their dynamic pressure on immovable base. For the suggested design of equipment, the authors set up the equations of motion in joint coordinates and, applying the method of Lagrange, recorded the expression for kinetic energy of the system which consists of the energy of translational motion of system masses and the energy of rotational motion around the mass centers. The analysis of the suggested analytical model showed that it can be worked out to a single-mass system with a single degree-of-freedom. It will allow considerable simplification of determination of analytical estimated dependences for calculation of major structure parameters and working modes of machine drive and will reduce further experimental studies during the adjusting and setting of grinding process on such machines. The authors developed and implemented a vibration grinding machine with magnetic vibration actuator where the grinding of flat and cylindrical parts is carried out during their positioning to the slots of separator buckle plates creating complex ordered motion of treated parts against the working surfaces of grinding tools.
About the authors
Radomir Ivanovich Silin
Khmelnytskyi National University, Khmelnytskyi
Author for correspondence.
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor, adviser of rector
УкраинаVitaliy Vitalievich Tret’ko
Khmelnytskyi National University, Khmelnytskyi
Email: tretko@rambler.ru
Doctor of Science (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Dean of faculty “International relations”
УкраинаAnatoliy Ivanovich Gordeev
Khmelnytskyi National University, Khmelnytskyi
Email: aigordeev54@mail.ru
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, professor of Chair “Engineering technology”
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