- Authors: Sayriddinov S.S.1
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- Issue: No 3-1 (2015)
- Pages: 106-116
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/370
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18323/2073-5073-2015-3-106-116
- ID: 370
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The paper considers the state of networks and facilities and the ways of efficiency improvement of utility and drinking water supply systems operation in the Volga region environment using the example of Togliatti city district. The author defines the priorities according to the strategy of social and economic development of Samara region for the period until the year 2020. It is noted, that the main life spheres ensuring the safety of human life and health and, consequently, the increase of the amount of housing construction and the communal infrastructure, as well as the reduction of existing housing funds and communal infrastructure to the compliance with the quality standards are considered to be the priorities of state policy in the region. The supply of population with pure water is the priority problem which decision is necessary for health keeping and the human life level improvement. This paper gives the ecologo-statistical analysis of water supply sources, hydraulic and technological analysis of the processes of preparing and transporting drinkable water, the state of pipelines of water distribution and the degree of their breakdowns in order to make a decision on the ensuring of hydraulic decision, efficiency improvement of utility and drinking water supply and distribution while operating water supply systems of Russia using the example of Togliatti city district. The improvement of level of anthropogenic pollution of drinking water supply sources, the significant wear of buildings and equipment of water sector, the lack of reserve water source (Avtozavodskiy district) determine the topicality of the problem of guaranteed supply of population with pure drinking water and make it the priority task of social and economic development of Togliatti city district. It is noted, that in order to solve the problem of supply of population of Togliatti city district with pure drinking water it is necessary to organize united actions of executive and legislative authorities, water sector enterprises, investors, technical specialists, population on the creation in water sector of effective whole new modern forms and methods of management. The author recommends alternative variants of reconstruction and operation of networks and buildings of utility and drinking water supply systems in this region. The scale of the problem causes the necessity to develop the Program with the use of target-oriented solution for the complex of organizational and technical, juridical, economic, social and other objectives and actions ensuring the conditions for the Program implementation. The application of special-purpose approach should provide the effective solution of system problems within the city water sector at the account of implementation of the complex of program actions fit together by the objectives, resources and deadlines.
About the authors
Sayriddin Shakhobovich Sayriddinov
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
Email: mrsso@yandex.ru
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chairs “Heat and gas-supply and ventilation, water supply and water disposal”, “Energy machines and management systems”
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