- Authors: Vetkasov N.I.1, Stepanov A.V.1
- Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Ulyanovsk
- Issue: No 3-1 (2015)
- Pages: 36-41
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 360
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The study showed that the applying of solid lubricants (SL) in the form of solid lubricant sticks (SLS) is one of the effective means for quality improvement of the surface layer of machine parts used during the grinding operations performed without lubricating-cooling fluids (grinding of parts of electro-technical devices, sharpening of edge cutting tools and so on). The authors defined that the roughness of the parts surfaces during the grinding using SLs can be reduced by introduction of finely dispersed natural and nanomaterial fillers to their compound. The study showed that to predict the parts roughness parameters during the grinding operations using SLs it is very important to have a calculation procedure for these parameters which takes into account the influence of the processing mode, processed blank part material, grinding wheel (GW) characteristics, SL compound and consumption. The authors presented the procedure for calculation of height roughness parameters of parts ground using SLs with the fillers of nanomaterials and finely dispersed natural materials during the operation of surface grinding with the periphery of a straight wheel. To prove the adequacy of the procedure, the authors give the results of experimental study which were carried out on the 3E711VF2 surface-grinding machine varying the SL compound and consumption, time and grinding modes, and the abrasive tool characteristics. During the study, the authors monitored the static and dynamic vibrations amplitude, and the roughness of the ground surfaces, which was assessed according to three height parameters (as per GOST standard 25142): arithmetic average roughness height Ra, ten-point height of irregularities Rz, and maximum height of profile Rmax. According to the results of comparing calculated (Rac) and experimental (Rae) values of arithmetic average roughness height Ra of the ground surfaces the authors concluded sufficiently high accuracy of calculation. The discrepancy between the calculated and experimental values did not exceed 10 ... 18%.
About the authors
Nikolay Ivanovich Vetkasov
Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Ulyanovsk
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Engineering, Head of the Department, Professor of the Department «Technology of machine building»
РоссияApollon Vladimirovich Stepanov
Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Ulyanovsk
programmer engineer of the Department «Technology of machine building»
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