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Stumps lowering to the ground level using the working bodies of active action is the resource saving and environmentally safe technology in comparison with the other machine methods. At the same time, the existing devices for stumps chopping are unable to remove their underground part because of the abrasive properties of the ground. To avoid this disadvantage, the authors developed a device, which serves for the preliminary preparation of stumps for their lowering below the ground surface by creating patches-cavities and stumps cleaning from the ground and includes patch-maker, which has flexible working bodies allowing ensuring high cleaning completeness.  Steel-cable pieces were selected as the flexible working bodies, and the optimization of their parameters includes the determination of the working part type, diameter and length when the steel-cable rigidity, flexibility and elasticity reach the level required for the high-quality performance of the technological operation. In order to study the process of stumps cleaning from dirt and to determine the regularities of interaction of flexible working bodies with the stumps side surface, the authors developed the methodology of laboratory experiment, which allows varying of different patch-maker parameters values for determination of their influence on the completeness of the stumps side surface cleaning and the power consumed by a machine during the working process. The authors developed a laboratory machine that includes a frame, a roll with steel-cables, a hydromotor and a hold for a stump and allows carrying out tests, the results of which will be used for revealing the dependencies of measures of work efficiency of a patch-maker on its design and traveltime parameters and for the optimization of its flexible working bodies and technical process parameters. 

About the authors

Evgeny Vladislavovich Pozdnyakov

Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, Voronezh

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Chair “Forestry mechanization and machine design”



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