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The paper presents the results of analysis of the process of internal grinding with sliding feed. The authors considered the override occurrence and influence when the load is reallocated throughout the wheel height and the technological system limited stiffness takes place, as well as examined the conditions causing thermal phenomena in the surface layer. It is established that the uneven wheel wear causes the decrease of the process stability and productivity, and stimulates the increase of the process labor intensity when getting high accuracy. During the study, the calculation of override stimulating larger thermal loading in the reversing area was carried out. The authors analyzed the conditions for the improvement of heat-removal to the wheel and workpiece, explained the fact of different sizes of override on the periphery of a hole and almost proved the efficiency of the cone wheels application. The authors highlighted that the deformations caused by equivalent force changing during the table (wheel) longitudinal travel can significantly impair the instantaneous loading distribution and explained that, while using the cone wheel, the force intensity and the arm length during the overrides change slightly, however, during the wheel breakout its insignificant turn is unavoidable. It is proved, that at equal override of cylinder wheel the process loading and thermal factor areamean by loading distribution are considerably greater in depth than during the wheel breakout. The authors explained the differences in temperature in the moment of longitudinal travel reverse. Maximal vibrations and temperatures occur during the wheel breakout when the release loading actively decreases. The authors analyzed that the heat-removal degradation at the hole end surface can be compensated by the decrease of the number of sources at the end area and the temperature at the end face can be less than in the midpart of the hole.         

About the authors

Petr Mikhailovich Salov

I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary


Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), professor of Chair “Mechanical engineering”


Dina Petrovna Salova

I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary


PhD (Engineering)


Tatyana Gennadyevna Vinogradova

I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor


Sergey Semenovich Saikin

I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary


PhD (Engineering), Professor



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