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The paper covers the solution of the complex issue involving the necessity of development of technical solutions oriented to the search of economically advantageous ways of integration of energy efficiency technologies to the modern production and the solution of the issues of the energy efficiency technologies automation in the conditions of multiproduct manufacture of the engineering goods. On the analysis of the number of technical and economic factors hindering the development and implementation of the energy efficiency technologies, the authors determined that, for the conditions of modern production, the developments of complex technical solutions in the sphere of the energy efficiency technologies automation, the elaboration of new technical effects typical for the application of energy efficiency technologies in the current market conditions are important today. The authors suggest using the approach based on the introduction of automatically replaceable modules both to the existing manufacturing cycles and to the newly organized manufactures as one of the directions of complex issue solution. The design of the device for implementation of energy efficiency laser technologies within the operating area of the modern automated machining equipment is introduced. The authors present the description and the concept of suggested device and the variant of its technical performance. To solve the automation issues, the algorithm is developed that allows organizing the device functioning using the regular system of the equipment control while implementing the energy efficiency technologies for laser processing within the operating area of modern CNC machine. It is offered to use in the module design the elements of standard and universal tool set of modern machining equipment and the elements of the modern fiber optic laser. In respect to the suggested module design, the imposed technical constraints for its application depending on the variants of the machine-carrier linking and the recommendation on the organization of cycles of automated laser processing using the module are introduced. According to the results of the study, the authors formulated the expected effects of the suggested module design application in the complex approach to the solution of issues of the automation of energy efficiency technologies for laser processing, the main of which are the multiple reduction of production cost due to the reduction of cost for the equipment and high capacity of the parts processing due to the loss reduction of time for the preproduction.   

About the authors

Pavel Aleksandrovich Ogin

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student


Denis Gennadyevich Levashkin

Togliatti State University, Togliatti


PhD (Engineering), assistant professor of Chair “Equipment and technologies of engineering production”



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